Friday, August 31, 2012

The Cable Lie

AITOOW gets the wrong description on what is supposed to be playing on their cable channels too many times?

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Fraggle Talk

AITOOW thinks ESPN is trying a little too hard to make tennis jiggy? Who is that black Muppet with the Andre the Giant voice they use as an "analyst"? He is a reach at best. The worst type of tokenism outside of the Republican convention.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dance Your Life Away

AITOOW agrees with those who think the Arts are essential to the public school curriculum? They are invaluable when you don't have a job.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Miami Vice

AITOOW wonders if Dwight Coward (The Dirty Dozen) is giving advice to LeMoron Shame? After you (arguably) escape the shroud of infamy surrounding your attempt to game the NBA, you try and reward your remaining supporter's by bringing out a shoe at $300+. Can you (and your people) sense which way the wind is blowing? Do you have any common sense? How are you still listening to the hood rats that advised you during your free agency? How can a forehead like that encase such a tiny brain? I can't believe what a gift you are to the people who dislike you. Keep it up. Talent to South Beach. Brain still in Cleveland.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Fielder's Dreams

AITOOW wonders if there is any miscue that is called an error anymore?

Monday, August 20, 2012

Little Gig

AITOOW doesn't understand who likes to watch baby baseball? Let alone at the levels they televise it.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tricky Mitt

AITOOW thinks Mitt Romney is starting to look like Richard Nixon physically?

Saturday, August 11, 2012

In My Dreams Team

AITOOW hasn't seen a lick of Olympics basketball or soccer (land hockey)? I know NBC has to keep something special for the morons that subscribe to their cable sports network, but, can that subscription fee really bring in more dollars than they can get from advertisers on their regular channels? I guess so or someone would get fired for supporting that decision. Not that I care because their own local news networks and the competition keeps reporting who wins before the tape delay is aired.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

RE-turn To Sender

AITOOW thinks every "re:..." notation in an email subject line indicates junk status?

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Super Bad

AITOOW wonders when everything became "super" something?

Monday, August 6, 2012

Tossing In The Towel

AITOOW wonders if ball boys should be wearing gloves when they handle those sweat drenched, snot filled germ rags tennis players toss to them?

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Pret A PoorTaste

AITOOW wonders how dedicated you can be to winning when you show up with a full length weave, jewelery and makeup?

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Olympic Meddles

AITOOW enjoyed the Olympics more when it was a nip fest?

Friday, August 3, 2012

Another Training Exercise?

AITOOW wonders why there has been no speculation that the system "glitches" at Nasdaq for Facebook and at Knight Capitol were acts of cyber-terrorism? Can it hurt to ask the question?

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Twist and Spout

AITOOW isn't shocked that our Obfuscator In Chief is now trying to pin the recession on trickle down economics (and somehow on his opponent)? Now I'm no fan of leveraged economy that made the Baby Boomer's rich by stealing from their children, but, this crisis was caused by the Democrats wish that everyone get a house (made possible by their B-lackey at Fannie Mae). Maybe the deficit can be partially blamed on this, but, not the recession. I blogged three years ago that this young man would sell his soul for a second term rather than be a different kind of politician. Nice to know people are so predictable. There is no reality he will not try and twist. I guess a mulatto really doesn't see black and white. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


AITOOW thinks we need to add some appropriate euphemisms for modern, self-congratulatory titles people have invented for themselves (to hide the banality and simplicity of their endeavours). We already have the effacing terms - "ambulance chaser", "bean counter", "talking head", "shrink", "bullshit arist", "slum lord". I wish to add - "Shylock/Money Lender/Loan Shark" for any VC/PE adherent. "Astrologist/Gypsy" for any financial planner/analyst. "Bookie or Fortune Hunter" for any financial transaction employee or hedge fund douche. "Clerk" for almost any sub-Exec-VP position at a business. "Baby Sitter" for any exec VP position or higher (can also be used for teachers). "Tooth Mason" for dentists. "Butchers" or "Refer-ists" or "Someone else's discovery mimic" or "Drug Pusher" or "Body Mechanic"for doctors. "Mother In Law/Yenta" for any consultant. "Organ Grinder's Monkey" for any performer. "Dilettante/Parasite" for any monarch/stay at home blank/on social assistance/researcher. "House Pimp" for any real estate broker. "Carnival Barker" for anyone is sales. "Wife" for anyone in purchasing". "Piss Boy/Girl" for any executive assistant. "Flying Piss Boy/Girl" for any flight attendant. I could spend all day on this, but, hopefully it will be more interactive (unlike most of this blog so far) if I leave the rest to be supplemented by you.