Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Teach Your Children! Well?

AITOOW thinks the increase in boorish/bad behavior isn't all the result of more interaction with minority groups? Some of it is the PC culture that doesn't allow society to confront/address bad behavior. No teaching = no learning.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Father, Son and Holy Shit

AITOOW wonders if Jesus is the father and son and holy ghost, isn't he the one that impregnated Mary? Making that incest.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The New Vic

AITOOW wonders if we have created a victim obsessed culture because victims feel the need to enter the public discourse/arena in order to empower themselves and/or protect other victims by seeking positions of influence/power? There also doesn't seem to be a distinction between survivors and victims amongst many of these people.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Cash is King

AITOOW thinks its great that the Daryl Morey tweet has laid bare how black people only care about things (like dey money) if they effect black people? Shouldn't that sort of self possession be the definition of racism? And the poster boy for that mentality is the Lebron-noser. An egotist who has the nerve to posit that he (an individual with a questionable high school education) is more informed on the issues than a Northwestern and MIT grad. It just proves my maxim that stupid people are too stupid no know they are stupid. I also love that this issue shows black people what it is like to be on the other side of racial politics. It's hysterical to see them on defense for once. And let's just stipulate that if the issue of collectivist oppression involved white people (especially economically insignificant ones like in the old USSR) and a minority group, that they wouldn't hesitate to call out the oppressors.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Drift Netting

AITOOW wonders why no one has explained the true purpose of the impeachment "inquiiry" (and the Mueller inquisition) as an excuse to go on a fishing expedition for other possible avenues of attack?  Parties they can flip (ie Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort) or incriminating data. It's all prosecutorial "lawyering". What most of the agitators are.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Green Piece (of...)

AITOOW wonders why people think eating plant based foods will not impact the world? Don't we have to clear cut land to make room for those fields? Do cow pastures require that much more land? And they don't require us to add chemicals to the soil or till the soil. And why is it important to get the Chinese to buy soybeans if these products have sold out and are an emerging market? Isn't the market already here in the US? This all seems like the electric car movement that didn't factor in increased coal usage or dirty batteries.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Bitchers and Money

AITOOW has noticed that the liberal media is obsessed with how much money the candidates have raised? As a measure of strength. Aren't they the ones always clamoring for campaign finance reform? I guess they'll get back to that when the President's superiority is involved.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Fake Views

AITOOW thinks polls are still effected by news coverage (despite their exposed bias) because "independents" still don't accept/realize that they are hearing/seeing biased coverage? Plus others are being fed liberal news via the internet. For example, my Samsung tablet has a news feed that presents itself underneath my favorites link page whenever I start my browser. Of course they load stories from the NYT and the LA Times. So the headlines I read on any given day are all from a certain point of view. I bet a lot of the changes in attitudes reflected in polls are the result of who is messaging the news to the 10% of independents who are ignorant of the manipulation. They don't see the tiny script that names the source. And while they don't usually proscribe to those news providers, now they are being influenced by them unknowingly. And it is very hard (if not impossible) to adjust the default sources. I still haven't figured out how to. I also get these sources on my NetZero start page. And of course the Microsoft IE home page. I'm sure this is representative of all push media. Republicans really need to inform people of the duplicity. We all know they won't be able to change the behavior.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Poke Woman

AITOOW would like Elizabeth Warren to be heretofore referred to as Elizabeth Boring? Or whatever they called those pig faced people in that Twilight Zone episode. And why has no one commented on Joe Biden's obvious recent facial work. I believe it is a face lift. Fillers at the minimum. And his hair seems fuller. Hair piece? And let' agree that Schumer may be the model for Greeg (Minions).

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Affair of the Hurt

AITOOW wonders if you can be accused of emotionally cheating (for say talking with someone on social media), why doesn't speaking with a shrink also apply? Do people really expect there to be no chance of a "love connection" developing because one of the parties could face disciplinary action? Seems to be a bit naïve if not naïve.

Friday, October 11, 2019


AITOOW thought Apple was the company that made a commercial in which the protagonist threw a hammer at an oppressive (redundant) Bolshevik-like collective? Must have been somebody else. Now they take the hammer away. Must have a new cook in the kitchen. A chicken in the kitchen.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Black Marks

AITOOW thinks that just like minorities aren't expected to meet the same standards as other college applicants, real life offers them the same charity?

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


AITOOW wonders what that person wants from me when you see them smiling at you?

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Mourning Joe

AITOOW is excited that they are free to commit crimes as long as the run for President (any office?) for the Democrat party sometime after the malfeasance?

I wonder if the withdrawal of troops has something to do with Iran. Either getting Turkish support against them or keeping the small contingent of troops from proximity to Iranian troops or proxies.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Whistling A Crappy Tune

AITOOW thinks Democrats have become the Pennywhistle Party? Just strolling about town playing the same old tune over and over again. With their dog whistles and their alert whistles (for every perceived injustice or indignity) they are whistle crazy. Hoping to get all the snakes out of Ireland.