Monday, March 22, 2010

More Cushion For The Pushin'

AITOOW found it funny when Jessica Simpson said she thinks mean are now staring at her more because John Mayer said she was sexual napalm? They are looking at you because they can't believe how fat you've become.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Eazy On The Talent

AITOOW thinks Elin Woods needs a tutorial on skank ro-sham-bo? Porn Star may defeat Groupie but Hooker beats Groupie in the HIV Open. But, I'm sure El Tigre never tried one of those. Porn Star should not be the deal breaker, stupid. Have you seen the internet? Every teenage girl is an amateur porn star. They even nick name themselves that. How come Swedes are only sexually liberated when it comes to their own canoodling? Like you were a virgin before marriage. You're not even a unique mannequin.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


AITOOW isn't surprised that ou Bracketologer In Chief can't even pick the outcomes of college basketball games? Georgetown? Kansas? You're as good at this as running the country.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Slavery Not As Bad As Once Thought

AITOOW found it interesting that most American blacks are more than 20% caucasion? This was revealed to Emmitt Smith on that new lineage show last night. More interesting was the choice of words he used when it was explained to him that the same human trafficing was still going on in Africa. He said it was "unfortunate". Not repulsive or unforgivable. Just unfortunate. I guess it's only heinous when a white person does it. Double standard, much?

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Real Reality

AITOOW finds it funny that the limp dick director of the Direct TV ad featuring Thoma Haden Church let him inprovise a line about reality shows not being his "thing"? I would have told him that Sideways was ages ago and now you're back to being the unemployable idiot Lowell from Wings. So how about you say the lines as written and drop your self-serving "reality shows take away actor's jobs" party line or you don't get paid.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


AITOOW finds it odd that Fannie Mae has now borrowed 73 billion and we don't hear a peep about it? There has to be one news organization that has an employee that took at least Econ 101. And how about that 250 billion monthly deficit. I thought Gingrich reformed welfare.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Affirmative "Action", Cut

AITOOW won't be satisfied until the same people who tell us not to judge people by sex, race, orientation, etc stop singling the accomplishments of said groups? BTW The Hurt Locker was just another episode of Generation Kill. In which another female director directed some episodes yet didn't get a foot long metal dildo for her efforts.