Monday, June 18, 2018

Seems Like Old Times

AITOOW thinks Prince was just imitating James Brown? And Clooney is just imitating Tom Selleck? I've got a whole list of these.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Pumpkin Heads

AITOOW thinks all the people who get face fillers look like pumpkins?

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Crossed Up

AITOOW doesn't understand the thinking behind burning crosses? You burn the symbol of your savior? To intimidate/scorn your enemies? A savior that preached tolerance? It makes no sense. Burn a pentagram. Burn an effigy. Who thought up the cross?

And how was it that no one else owned a boat or raft besides Noah? It is unlikely that not a soul found their way onto something buoyant.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Slaves To Ignorance

AITOOW wonders how many Americans should feel guilty over slavery? My parents weren't here and their countries didn't do it. How many people living here now had ancestors here before the Civil War? And how many of those owned slaves? I think we are talking about ten percent of the population. At most. And yet the blacks paint us with the same brush. I guess it isn't as compelling a story when we factor in the truth. A large percentage of Americans did nothing to them and owe them nothing.