Tuesday, December 20, 2011

...It's An Adventure

AITOOW is a little sick of cooks, mechanics, pencil pushers and all those soldiers on their first tour of duty getting praise for their commitment in Iraq? Most of you were there just because you couldn't go any further academically or couldn't get hired elsewhere. Let's save our praise for "real" soldiers - combat soldiers (they really should have special uniforms).And those who actually saw some. Not that they expect it because they know what they did is what they are expected to do.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Don't Shoot The Messenger

AITOOW thinks that people who sanctimoniously tell you "There But For The Grace Of God Go I" are all but incriminating themselves? What is their shame? And once again how does this sentiment jibe with free will? If God intercedes, there can't be absolute free will. And this statement (the but for part) seems to posit that only the grace of God can keep bad things from happening to you. Your actions are superfluous. Such as not calling out a loser/sinner. So you have no control over your exhortations any way and others shouldn't reprimand you for them. But, they can't help doing so for the same reasons (maybe God wants you to know their shame and that's why he makes them say it), so the fault for teasing people that God disadvantaged lies with God. He must want you to tease them and the people who use the phrase. Now I get it.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The First Fifth

AITOOW wonders what was the first secret secretive people had to keep?

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Mary Mar(r)y Quite Contrary

AITOOW wonders how many family fortunes were made by gay guys or girls marrying the rich guy or girl their parents wanted them to because they really didn't give a shit (because they weren't into any of the opposite sex anyway)?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Metric For Sale

AITOOW wonders why an increase in gross retail sales figures is such an important metric to people? It doesn't really tell you what individuals are doing with their money. It is just a measure of prices times people. It should be growing. Population is growing. As such it is an easy hurdle to master. It's worthless to all but the most shameless grand standers for economic health. It can only go down if prices drop disproportionately or people stop spending as much per capita. Right now that figure doesn't tell us which it is. If sales are down because of a price drop then we can see the retailers themselves may have miscalculated/panicked and are to blame for the decline. This is not a cause for concern. If it isn't price depreciation then (when we deduct the increase in sales due to population increases) it is frugality/the economy and we might be concerned. They need to compare year over year prices as well. Gross sales is a stupid/lazy metric. It can be skewed to the upside by population growth given a false impression of economic growth and it can be skewed to the downside by price deflation.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Unintended Consequences

AITOOW thinks it is ironic that bringing home the troops to pander to Democratic voters (and ensure they vote in November) will result in more votes for the Republicans? Most soldiers vote Republican. There has always been trouble making sure their votes were included. Now they are back in the country and can go to the polls.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Do You Fear Me Now?

AITOOW wonders if cellular phones decrease the severity of car crashes? Everyone seems to feel they have the capacity to distract drivers. Which means more accidents, I'll stipulate. But, are those accidents less injurious than the accidents some of these people would cause if not "distracted" and driving like their usual selves (maniacally)? Every idiot I see on the phone seems to be doing 30 MPH. They probably will cause an accident at some point because of that phone. But, is it more often than not a fender bender? It's like the driving drunk versus stoned argument. I'm not against a ban. But, it is not because of the accidents. I hate the idiots going only 30 MPH and want them to die in a firey accident and that can't happen if they are distracted.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Horse Of The Same Color

AITOOW thought it was typical that Chelsea Clinton did her first story on someone who we are supposed to revere because she (among other things) financed the education of some hard luck cases? Oh, but, wait she didn't. Her creditors did. That's right, this "saint" declared bankruptcy. So the money she used to inflate her reputation came from the pockets of innocent people. How Clintonian.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Dwight Coward

AITOOW thinks this supposed Christian soldier is more lamb than lion? Then again having a child out of wedlock probably made that whole good citizen thing laughable to begin with. These guys are all talk. It is funny to see a guy who was marketed as (and considers himself) a superior individual, roil with his fellow swine in the slop of his own selfishness. I suppose this the type of behavior you get from a man raised as he was.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

News Bully-tin

AITOOW doesn't understand why "the cool kids" bully the "good kids" when there are so many jerk offs and egotists who could use a good smack down? Take a typical high school movie plot. The prom king invites the nice, quiet wall flower to prom where they pick on her. What sense does that make? How is she an irritant to anyone? How does anyone even know she exists? What has she done to earn their emnity? Now the real plot should be - he invites the mouthy gangsta bitch to prom and they crush her ego. Now that would make sense. Everybody hates that person. You could believe that emnity.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Stop And Don't Smell The Roses

AITOOW thinks eco-tourism is just a way for people who were being criticised for encroaching on places they were curious about (but not welcome in) to mollify their guilt by creating an accredited subset of trespasser? Or a way for hosts to reap more of a profit by offering less of an experience.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Bumping Fuzzies

AITOOW thinks lesbianism can be explained with three words? Genetics. Abuse. Repression.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

All I Want For Christmas Is Booze

AITOOW feels sorry for the people in a non "hook up" bar? I mean how bad is your home situation that you feel the need to pay someone what they charge at a bar and risk getting a DUI versus drinking at home. These people don't talk to anyone there so it can't be for companionship. There are no girls there so it can't be for sex. They can watch sports at home. It's pathetic.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Diet and Exorcise

AITOOW wishes they would stop publishing stories to try and get people with certain lifestyles to change them to increase their life spans? They obviously don't want the years they have left let alone more of them. Have you seen what the final years look like anyway? I'm surprised anybody wants them. And this is all if you don't believe in Heaven.

Monday, December 5, 2011

It's The Thought That Counts

AITOOW wonders how many heroic deeds were the result of force rather than free will?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Kitchen Con-fidential

AITOOW wonders what the ecological impact is from these self-righteous local food movement hypocrites? How much food does your restaurant throw away? How much gas/electricity/water does your kitchen use? How much gas/electricity/water does the rest of your restaurant use (heat, lights, bathroom, laundry, etc) ? How much gas is used in delivering your food? But, you sell a mushroom that was grown in some hippies outhouse. Thanks for leading the charge. If you really cared about the environment you wouldn't do what you do to begin with. It's a wasteful enterprise at heart. But, we know about the real green you care about. This is just a way to sell to another group of delu-tards and deflect criticism.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Fake It Til You..Oh Just Fake It

AITOOW hates it when some bargain basement shit peddler tries to co-opt a trend by just adding a buzz word to their marketing materials? IE Burger King's new burger served on "artisan" bread. Yeah sure. It's baked by the millions by a small business owner. It's the same shit in a new mold. You make $1 hamburgers. You will never be top shelf. You just insult your customers by pretending to be.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Don't You Want Somebody To Love

AITOOW thinks it's funny when women come to the conclusion that no one is going to ask them to marry them and they adopt dogs in lieu of the children they will never have? It's even funnier when they posts photos of said dog on Facebook as their friends post photos of their children. Almost as funny - photos of adopted children.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Enough About Me...What Do You Think Of Me?

AITOOW thinks the one bloviating in the conversation is the one acting like the interviewee? Not the one who is in charge.