Monday, February 17, 2020

Bone Heads

AITOOW wonders if this bone broth fad is really a ruse to make women think they can replace the collagen in their faces that age eliminates? IE another beauty con disguised (because they can never admit to such base motives such as vanity) as nutrition.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Back To You

AITOOW notices that no talking head ever disagrees with an on location reporter when they finish their story and throw it back to the studio? No matter how stupid or biased the report.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Mercury Rising

AITOOW thinks all these climate crackpots share a faith in something akin to astrology? Which is also a resurgent belief. They take a bit of soft science and use it to explain every cosmic occurrence. When I was a kid they were hysterical over the oncoming ice age. Then we had to save the forests by eschewing paper (trees) in favor of plastics. The list is long of all the "quick fix" environmental edicts that were cure alls and had negative unintended consequences. The thing they all had in common was the "soft science" they were based on and the lack of critical analysis that the scientific method is meant to correct.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Pray Tell

AITOOW wonders if they can't get through to god because of all the stupid people asking god for stupid things? And am I "butt dialing" every time I say "God dammit" or "Jesus Christ"?

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Rose Colored Glasses

AITOOW wonders why MLB only seems to really care about cheating when it comes to gambling? And doesn't that only seem to harm people (aside from all those hurt by ANY type of cheating) that they wouldn't seem to have any relationship to? It's like they were the "house". It can't be because they want to be the only ones paying the players. They get outside compensation from many other sources.