Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Lead Us Not

AITOOW thinks it is illegitimate to condemn someone for giving into a temptation that society has concluded they are too irrelevant to participate in? How many owe their high moral authority to such obscurity?

Monday, March 18, 2013

On The Take

AITOOW wonders how accurate the "shrinkage" numbers that retailers proclaim are? Is it just a ploy to excuse higher pricing? How much is really retailers just taking the max allowance from the manufacturer as a business strategy? How much is a manager giving away mispriced items or items that are not ringing up properly? How much is employee theft? I think the number cited is erroneous and makes it seem like we live in a society of shoplifters.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Washington Math

AITOOW can't believe no one has defended the sequester cuts with arguments about the Hurricane Sandy spend and the billions in pork projects that the government instituted in the fiscal cliff agreement? Those more than offset the infinitesimal "cuts".

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Bottom Line

AITOOW thinks the CEO of Yahoo banned tele-commuting as a ploy to get workers to self-terminate? Especially those who have less flexible work schedules (ie older) or use more benefits (ie older). I'll bet they make more money on average too.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Shooting Fish In A Container

AITOOW thinks that either two bites or two shots at the apple makes sense? I originally thought some addled brained sports bloviator was wrong when he mouthed "two shots" at the apple, but maybe it works. Two shots ala William Tell.