Friday, May 27, 2022

The Weekend

AITOOW thinks black vacations should be called ghetto-ways? And speaking of The Weekend, are all his songs about/for Bella Hadid?

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Cissy Fit

AITOOW is a cissy boy? That is a cis gender male. And shout to my cisters.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

What Abort That?

AITOOW finds it funny that they same hand ringers who are freaking out about school shootings, are the first to wring their hands about NOT being able to murder their own children?

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Privy Counsel

AITOOW thinks the whitiest white privilege is the privilege/hubris to accept the charge of white privilege? The privilege/hubris to pander to all else. The privilige/hubris to give up all entitlements/"unearned" advantages. It's like a racer giving the field a head start because they are that confident. Or a golfer's handicap. And when did "spoiled" become "entitled"? I love pointless changes to language. It isn't fire.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Copy Birds?

AITOOW wonders if birds change their singing if they hear human music?

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Got MLK?

AITOOW wonders if there is a marketing opportunity for a Martin Loofa King loofa? It could come with a box of white pow(d)er. To clean away your white fragility/guilt.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Sympathy for the Devil

AITOOW thinks Me-lennials use sympathy as currency? It even beat likes.

Friday, May 20, 2022

Hostess Cupcakes

AITOOW wonders if networks are admitting to diversity issues when the host goes on vacation and the cohost is allowed to ONLY book people like themselves? Either that or the cohost is beling allowed to segregate. Take Colin Herd. His cohost has been booking many many women. So either she is a sexist or Herd doesn't book enough women. Which is it?

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Doctor Shekel

AITOOW is sick of doctors saying they work so hard? You aren't salaried. You get paid by the procedure. You work so hard because you are a greedy bitch. Not because you care about your fellow man. If you did, you would negotiate a salary and then work yourself to death.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Lost in Place

AITOOW wonders who decides which direction roads go? I just drove on a road labeled east. I had to pull off a stalled freeway to an unknown road with no map. It was labeled - east. I just found a map. It was straight south. This is hardly the only instance of this stupidity.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Driven To Enger

AITOOW wonder why the English pronounce cay - key and then derby - darby?

Monday, May 16, 2022

Where There Is Smoke

AITOOW wonders if any (not every) of these west coast wildfires are caused by migrants? They are tramping through the area. I know they've cited homeless and green freaks. It would seem possible. Then again we are probably chauffeuring them to hotels. I've heard we (and cartels) are paying people to "uber" them. And I wonder if dope smoking could be a cause.

Friday, May 13, 2022

King of the Hail

AITOOW wonders if we should be using the last names Prince and King, Earl et al? I mean the name is suppossed to be of the job of an ancestor. There is no way these douche bags come from royalty. Who was the first one in the family with the gaul to assume.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

The Game of Life

AITOOW feels like life comes at you like a video game? Mostly like a driving game with problems coming at you constantly and decisions being required ever second. Or maybe a game where things are constantly trying to kill you as you move forward.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Cancel Culture

AITOOW thinks Biden's desire to cancel student debt is a transparent pay back to two voting blocs? Liberal indoctrintion facilities and the products they produce. Pure state sponsored bribery.

Monday, May 9, 2022

Disease Nuts

AITOOW wonders if any of these cases of measles and child hepatitis are caused by the millions disregarding the border? I know Covid surges were not and are not related(and not contagious during peaceful protests either). But maybe these...

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Whatchoo Talking Bout

AITOOW is more than a little suprised that Bruce Willis is the 80s action star that tapped out first? Stallone's mind is clear? Van Damm's? Segal's? Et al?

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Guns and Russ-es

AITOOW thinks the Top Gun sequel got lucky? I think it was delayed. And then they got the Russians to make themselves villans to all again. I'm just guessing the bad guys in the movie are Russian again.

Friday, May 6, 2022

Stupid Is As Stupid Duhs

AITOOW wonders what roll all those drugs (Adderall, etc) they have been prescribing kids have had in the way they think? All these Bolshevik Barbies and Antifa Kens. And if that was part of the plan? Have Democrats instituted a system in which those malleable brains habe neen made further susceptible to their el-hi indoctrination through modern "science". Plus weed, real opiates, etc. I believe Communist handbooks (and maybe any system that chooses to control their fellow man) used to instruct the puppet masters to use that tactic.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

What the Truck

AITOOW never sees any flat bed of a truck being used? Posers.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022


AITOOW wonders if those in charge (ie Harris and Faici) ever realy got vaccinated? Or is it just that useless?