Thursday, May 31, 2012

Tax The Smug

AITOOW wishes that the spokespeople/celebrities that coerce you to send your hard earned dollars to some lame organization of their choice would have to pay a tax or fee for the right? How much do you want to bet that they don't even do so with their millions? They just expect the rest of us to bankroll their pet projects like we do their lifestyles. If you believe in the cause so much, YOU fund it. Stop trying to make yourself look philanthropic when you are doing nothing but reading a cue card. And stop running these guilt trips.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Chip Off The Old Black

AITOOW thinks it was hysterical and typical last week when Kareem Abdul Jabbar explained/highlighted that one of the "great" black inventors in his book (looked like a children's book) was a cook who invented the potato chip? The best part is that the guy only "invented" it to piss off a customer who kept complaining about his cooking. It was just a bout of spite that turned into a lucky accident. Who else is on this list? The guy who "invented" crack? 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Extreme Vacillating

AITOOW thinks that moderates are equally zealous? Their very position is formed by their refusal to side with one side or the other. It is as equally unbending a philosophy as those they profess to abhor because of the "extremism".

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Future is Cloudy

AITOOW wonders why news programs don't forecast anything but the weather? Why not forecast what the stock market will do? Why not forecast who will win a sporting event? Why not forecast political events? They couldn't be any more inaccurate than the weather guy.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Faggots Just Don't Understand

AITOOW thinks that being black was the only reason there was not any "bullying" or "homophobia" back lash against Will Smith for slapping that provocateur that tried to kiss him? Or at the least - cultural insensitivity. You know if the roles were reversed there would have been. Plus you could tack on a charge of racism. It's funny how this supposedly unacceptable behavior is only applicable to white men. Talk about a sub-conscious statement. And why does he talk like he is an old man without his dentures. How is he going to be a scientologist if he can't stand gay people?

Thursday, May 24, 2012

What's Yours Is Mine

AITOOW finds the ignorance of the speaker in the anti-Romney ad all to typical? He says Romney will "take everything" if elected president like he did when he bought this tool's stupid plant. First off he is not buying the country. Second. Taxes and eminent domain are how the government takes away "everything". He's not the one demanding that. Third. When you buy a company "everything" is what you own and therefore allowed to "take". You are lucky he gave you a shot at all. Your old owners (those with the most info about the situation and those most familiar with your worth) gave up on you. Why would you expect anymore from some new jackass. I'm not sure if it was macro factors, bad management or bad execution that caused the sale. I don't care. I wish you working class morons could somehow get it through your thick skulls that you serve at the pleasure of the owners (those with money). They do not exist to provide you with purpose. If you want life time/dependable employment you should renounce your freedom and return to serfdom. You are lucky that some of those with money have some sort of psychological condition that forces them to establish these kinds of companies to increase the level of money that they already have more than they have use for. A smart, rich guy would just sit in his mansion and let your wife give him happy endings all week.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


AITOOW was subjugated to watching (airport) CNN's coverage of the Facebook IPO? How clueless were the talking heads (one bald douche was supposed a financial expert)? They knew nothing about what the moving parts are in an IPO, let alone the ways the can be manipulated. The only thing you learned from their "performance" is that they or someone they take marching orders wanted this IPO to be a rocket ship. I'm not sure if it was because that is how they prepared the supplements for the story or how they hoped to keep people tuned in or if it was politically motivated (good economic story for their boy Bambi) or sucking up to a potential advertiser. It was just sad. Almost as sad as the mayor of Newark (beneficiary of that charitable gift) painting a rosy picture of the debut when questioned about it. The state of journalism is just shameful. I remember when I used to feel stupid watching the news. Now I feel like I'm watching Evangelicals.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tower of Babble

AITOOW wonders why ESL speakers mispronounce certain words? Are those sounds absent from their native tongue? Are they unable to get their mouth to make those sounds? Did they learn by ear (incorrectly) and don't know how the word is spelled so they can't sound it out? Is their accent so overwhelming that it takes over?