Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Look Alikes

AITOOW thinks these people look alike? Roger Federer's wife and Bristol Palin, Isla Fisher and Bernadette Peters, Lily Colins and a mix of Ellen Page and Audrey Hepburn.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Why They Get The Big Bucks

AITOOW thinks it's genius what stores like Target and JC Penney are doing? They are putting stores within their stores. Genius. If only there were stores that already did this. Like say - Macy's, Bloomindales, Sears or Nordstrom. Wait I have a better idea. How about a big building where they have different stores shoulder to shoulder.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Live From Jew Nork

AITOOW thought it was typically convenient that NBC scheduled a prime time bashing of Romney near to the election? I mean a Socialist Night Line episode.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


AITOOW thinks it's funny that it turns out that the only one right about the embassy murders was the guy they said was jumping to conclusions? Not that the other side didn't jump to their own conclusions, but, they just happened to be wrong as usual. 0 for 2. I guess when you are so used to fabricating excuses for your own cliques delinquency, instinct takes over.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Point Counterpoint

AITOOW wishes someone would analyze certain maxims/books to see if they are correct? Take The Art of War. Is it true that you should never underestimate your advesary or do you waste certain advantages/opportunities by overestimating the competition. At least construct a counter arguement.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Bird Brains

AITOOW thinks it's funny that Twitter's big strategy is to allow you to add photos and video? Hmm. Seems like I've heard of a business that lets you do that already. A (piece of) copy (FB) of a copy (My Space) of a copy (Friendster). Imaginative. I also think it's funny that they think they have done something bold (social revolution) by existing. This medium will be co-opted by the powers that be sooner than later and devolve into the same paradigm. The current CEO seemed unsure (perhaps hiding his cards) how big business (why does it always come down to that?) would adapt to his medium. Stage 1 (already happening): taste makers will be paid to tweet a testimonial. Stage 2 (may be happening): companies will stage events for the sole purpose of encouraging people to tweet about them. Can't wait until this devolves into riots and war initiated by big biz.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Poisoned Well

AITOOW thinks people are so stupid because everyone constantly lies to them? Leaders, media, teachers, etc. They are just one big wellspring of misinformation (manipulation).

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

November Reign

AITOOW thinks John Kerry...err Mitt Romney will lose in November because: (other than the Dems have succeeded in creating a Nanny state) 1. People no longer believe that the path to prosperity is the untethering of the business community. Most people now believe the pendulum has swung to far towards laissez-faire and it doesn't result in a place for them. 2. Most people don't want the US to be the policeman of the world. They are willing to dig their head in the sand if it allows them the illusion of peace. 3. Most people prefer the devil they know to the devil they don't. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Coloring The Truth

AITOOW thinks it's disingenuous when people say that certain communities suffer from a plague (say of violence, crime or drugs)? Like the people who live there aren't responsible for it. Like it is some pestilence set upon them by nature or a fictional godhead.

Monday, September 17, 2012

The War Against Americans

AITOOW wonders why if the majority of Moslems are moderate that they never seem to win an election? Can you imagine what the media/political characterization would be to similar vitriol would be if these provacateurs were white and had shaved heads and swastika tattoos? What if similar threats (death/violence) were being made by a man towards his wife? They would evicerate the proponent. And do you notice that the media reactively derided the supposedly incendiary film without ever explaining to us what were the components that made it such (or if they were true). Is it because they didn't bother to research them and are just trying to shield the Spender In Chief from criticism. How many times does it have to be explained to politicians? Arabs conduct power politics. Any sign of capitulation is seen as a declaration of weakness. It only emboldens them.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Holding Out for A Zero

AITOOW doesn't understand why teams have to pay players the full value of their contract after they hold out? They show up unmotivated and out of shape. The rarely meet expectations during the season. How do the owners not address this during negotiations with the union?