Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Charlie Chant

AITOOW wonders if the worst torture inflicted on POW's in Vietnam was having to listen to them speak?

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Ad End 'Em

AITOOW is confused by the following commercials? 1. M&M's and Santa. The M says he never met Santa and then says "he does exist" when they meet. Doesn't the first answer lead you to believe he believes Santa exists? If not, why would he say he never has met him? 2. I also love the tone deafness of using a Wu Tang Clan song with the word "dirty" in it. Do they not know what the song is about? It's about a ho trying not to get beat by her pimp. Where is #metoo here? Oh I forgot, black trumps any criticism. What's next? Bitch better have my money? And speaking of commercials, AITOOW is giddy when I flick through the channels and CNN and MSNBC are in them?

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Re-Running Down A Dream

AITOOW thinks the reasom Friends and How I Met Your Mother have found a resurgence in popularity (especially among the young) is that there are no minority or LMNOP characters n them? Plus non-woke banter.

Friday, December 18, 2020

Ref U Geez

AITOOW wishes you could bench bad refs during a game?

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Woe Man's Fib

AITOOW doesn't think any of these empowerment pep talks ever change any girl's behavior? It's funny when you hear girls try and inoculate themselves against criticism or try and modulate their destructive behavior and then see/hear them exhibiting the same behavior. It just shows how hollow their hallering is.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020


AITOOW thinks some men will always cheat and all women will sometimes cheat?

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Run Off Tell Yo Mama

AITOOW thinks all that Republicans need to do in Georgia is tell their voters that this is how they prove that the Presidential election was rigged?

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Lec(tor)tures Factory

AITOOW liked comedy better when it was funny?

Monday, December 7, 2020

Dum is As Dem Does

AITOOW thinks the Dums make it easy for Republicans by raising taxes? They give them a wedge issue and then an administrative achievement every time they get power. They basically ensure their own demise once they get in office.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Crazy Stupid

AITOOW thinks it's odd that shrinks say we can't define gender (observably evident) yet they make up categories all the time to define "normalcy"? All their norms are just created out of whole cloth by men. A penis or vagina is created by nature. How should these "experts" analyze this behavior? I think they would be incriminated by their own terms.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Check It Out

AITOOW isn't impressed by chess masters? Real life has many more opponents and you often don't know who they are? Plus infinite interactions, patterns and possibilites. Chess seems rather an easy excursion by contrast.

Friday, December 4, 2020

A Bros By Any Other Name

AITOOW thinks black people have missed a whole category of names to fuck up? Why not Amanda? Just add a consonant. Bamanda. Camanda. It's just waiting for abuse. Many vowel names haven't been modified. Just add a consonant to those as well. Why not hyphenate them. Get two for one. I'm sure there are African names that start with a vowel.

Thursday, December 3, 2020


AITOOW wonders why a great percentage of the advice we listen to is provided by the dumbest people in society? I'm speaking of singers, actors, talking heads, etc. Shouldn't an advanced society require these "influencers" to have some sort of accreditation before they are allowed to provide advice to the rest of us? We require it of shrinks, lawyers, financial advisors, etc.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Georgia On My Mind

AITOOW thinks the Georgia senate races are of no importance? The Repubs already have three turncoats in their ranks. And Brian Kemp is cut from the same cloth. Another weakling who tries to keep his job by betraying the people whom put it in it in an attempt to appease the people who didn't. It will be interesting to see who turns out. Now a lot rests on if they allow the same bs (mail in/absentee/rigged machines/paying people), but, I predict that the Wrong's (blacks in particular) vitriol will be spent and the Right's will be perculating (possibly disheartened with no Trump to support). You aill probably also have the "indecicives" (err independents) have buyer's remorse and no Trump to punish and abstain or vote Repub. You saw it in alot of purple areas, they voted more conservatively for local leaders. These hypocrites just want "wokeness" at a national level where it doesn't effect them.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Manifesto Destiny

AITOOW wonders if Collectivist gonernors are trying to cull therir states of opposition by locking down their states? They hope that these people will become frustrated and leave. An even more Machiavellian theory would suggest that they are trying to flood opposition states with people who may still bring enough of their illiberal vaues with them and turn those states blue.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Trump is Trump

AITOOW wants Trump to become an adjective? As in, "I'm feeling trump". A replacement for good or great. It would drive the illiberals crazy.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Joy in the Plastic Bubble

AITOOW how Biden has escaped the "bubble boy" moniker?

Monday, October 26, 2020

Trading Spaces

AITOOW thinks we need to destroy the planet because snowflakes will not be able to handle being wrong about global warming? We must make the Earth the ultimate safe space by making it uninhabitable.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Che Che You're A Monkey

AITOOW thinks he heard affirmative actioned, cannabis addled, tongue twisted, non-talent Michael Che admit on SNL last night that he wished Covid had killed the President? Can you imagine the uproar if this was flipped? But he's black and it's Trump, so, Lorne (Lauren) Michael's will continue to use him to shield himself from accusations of his own racism. I don't know if I am more upset by his callousness, the double standard it reveals or the lack of competence he evinces every time he tries to read a "news" story.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Crooked Joe

AITOOW wonders why it's taking so long to hear the "lock him up" chants? Or commercials with all the democrat swindlers' lies. "I did not have sex with that woman", "I have never taken a dime...", etc. I'd also like to hear people call masks "face diapers" from now on. Biden's Wu Flu plan boils down Face Diapers. I wonder if he has one over his other hole?

Friday, October 23, 2020

The New Religion

AITOOW thinks that some people are so anxious to be part of a group that they search for/invent a trauma/affliction that will serve as the price of admission?

Thursday, October 22, 2020

The Kids are Ahh'ite

AITOOW thinks that when you hear someone (ie commercials) say "every kid deserves to reach their full potential", they really mean "minority kids". They don't care about other kids and they are so sub-consciously bigoted that they assume minority kids haven't reached theirs or can't without their help.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Splain As Day

AITOOW thinks that there is a ton more mom-splaining and ma'am-splaining than man-splaining going on?

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Foolya Roberts

AITOOW thinks that the Amy Coney Barrett saga was caused by John Roberts? If he hadn't changed his judicial ethics/thinking (in a potentially misguided attempt to save the SC from criticism of being a political handmaiden or to curry favor with the ruling class and DC polite society), there wouldn't have been as much of a need to add another Justice who shared the values of the branch of judicial thinking that he abandoned. The whole situation is really his fault and should be a lesson to anyone who tries to put their finger on the scales of justice. He has further diminished the Court's reputation. Not enhanced it. And if the Court gets packed, it will never be looked upon as anything but a political institution.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Hell No

AITOOW would act alot better if I knew Hell was populated with liberals? And is it me or does Kamal Nose speak/sound like a deaf person? Sounds like Louu Ferrigino. A more nasally Lou. And I'll opine that DJT missed an opportunity to get votes (from old ladies) by not playing up his victimhood (plots, media, covid positive test). I'll reiterate that all his ads from now on need to be about how now is not the time for voters to take risks. No shifting boats in midstream. No neo-Marxist rexperimenting. No senile president on Death's door with a crazy mom-splainer as a back up. Call covid a war. And use the psychology politicians use when we are in a war.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Quiet Riot

AITOOW wonders why the riots have stopped if they weren't sponsored/directed by the Left? It's amazing how they stopped the second the polls found them to be inconvenient to the election of Slappy Joe.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Ramble Gamble

AITOOW wonders why they aren't pushing the "Biden is too risky" angle? Risky health. Risky ideas. Risky sincerity. Risky for the far left too.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Gangster WAP

AITOOW is rebranding wet ass pussy to white ass privilege?

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Hot Stuff

AITOOW thinks the Atlanta Flames of the NHL was the left's favorite name? You have violence against the Confederacy and arson. Two of their favorite things.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Kneel Arm Strong

AITOOW finds it odd that blacks choose to protest things like a police officer kneeling on someones neck by kneeling? Isn't that in poor taste to say the least? And isn't the black power fist basically a seig heil salute?

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

A Very Brady X-Miss

AITOOW thinks Bridget Monahan has aged better than Giselle? You never know what hidden "talents" the Brazilian has, but on the surface, it looks like a fumble.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Blue Double Cross

AITOOW wonders why more critics don't point out that guns are illegal when reporting on shootings in blue states? More impactless lip service. How are people getting guns when it is not allowed? And how is it that only the criminals seem to have them? I thought that was a hysterical counterpoint? And how many people not wearing masks may have immunity after going through the stages? Think on that the next time you shame, Karen.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Nothing But Assholes

AITOOW wonders if it is true that 80% of those big mouthed NBA justice warriors aren't registered to vote? Let alone do vote. NFL too. I know the system is so corrupt their votes don't count. So why bother?

Saturday, September 12, 2020

The Racism For The Cure

AITOOW is sure that all the assholes (ie Slappy Joe and Kamel Toe) decrying the administration's preliminary vaccine to Wu Flu as untested and unreliable, will be the first citing racism for their inability to jump the line to get some?

Friday, September 11, 2020

The More I think About IT

AIYOOW thinks what someone who asks "What are you thinking about?" is actually asking is "Are you thinking of me?"

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Wheezy Joe

AITOOW wonders if Slappy Joe had/had coronovirus? He sounds like his lungs have been compromised. He sounds weak. He has shortness of breath. Could he have he be hiding this from us?

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

C E Uh O

AITOOW thinks CEO's are so reactionary and poor at facing public outcry because they are terrible/absentee parents? They solve problems on the homefront by buying off their kids because they have no maternal or paternal instincts. Wether it be a literal buy off or just acquiesing to whatever the child demands, this is how they deal with dissonance. And get back to playing minesweeper, banging the assistant or carving up the greens or doing whatever the do.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Grub Nub

AITOOW thinks that pathetic commercial from Grub Hub that has some bearded pussy passed out on a couch with the tag line that says you rewarded yourself for spending a perfectly reasonable time on the couch is the epitome of me-lennial culture? Get a reward for doing nothing. Don't do something for it. Don't just do it for its sake. Don't go out for the undeserved reward. Be served. Like a useless, sedentary parasite. A pathetic parasite that has to "reward" itself because no third party would. Probably with funds from someone else. Come to think of it, we should call Wu Flu the Millenial Virus. It results in this behavior.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Mine Over Matter

AITOOW finds it's obvious that the NBA grandstanders (ie Lebron) would never sacrifice their own well being for their "beliefs"? Green livres are all that matter to these pampered millionaires. The collective bargaining agreement and the upcoming one holds sway. Fentanyl Floyd and Jacob Rape will have to say their own names.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

BlAAck Privilege

AITOOW find it funny that blacks have affirmative action programs directed towards them and are a "protected class" as crewated by the Supreme Court and still think others have more privileges? Or do they? Or is it just white people with daddy issues? I wonder if the death of Black Panther is an omen?

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Left Said Fred

AITOOW is walking around saying outlandishly offensive stuff and then "excusing" my behavior when confronted by explaining that I'm a democrap? It's fun to see if they catch the misspeak and then their confusion when these probable virtue signalers learn I'm one of them. It's also a political statement on hypocrisy and intolerance. I also tell people I've purchased offsets for my behavior.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Bubble Dumb

AITOOW who is worried about Bolshevik Barbies committing voter intimidation or fraud in their own households? Mail in ballots makes political disagreements with their families more inescapable. Many parents may just hand over their ballots to their daughters. I like to torment these spoiled brats by referring to them as Bubbles. I also encourage OK Boomers to get back at them by saying "OK Doomer" or "OK Gloomer" or just "OK Bubbles".

Thursday, September 3, 2020

True Colors

AITOOW isn't surprised that democrats aren't for defunding (just reallocation)? They would never stop wasting money. This is just an end run around rejection/caps to their social programs. They are just taking it from what society agreed upon spending and denied them in the budgeting process. They would do the same to the military if in powere on a federal level. And why haven't there been calls to change their party colors from blue? Doesn't that offend their base? It evokes police supremecy, privilege, entitlement. And shouldn't the Green Party rebrand. Green evokes money which evokes capitalism which evokes exploitation which results in planetary harm.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

NCAA Cheating Scandal

AITOOW wonders why we think it's a victory that athletes are receiving less practice time? Would we applaud students getting less class time? Well maybe that is an issue we need to address too. And don't tell me they are student athletes. At best they are athlete students. And why they would want less time to get better and increase their chances of matriculating to a pro career is another head scratcher.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Joe Bro

AITOOW thinks it would be wise to play up Biden's frat boy history? That has to make some metooers uncomfortable. And is "C'mon man" the new "Hiyaaaah"? Those fake choppers make me think of every actor to play the roue (ie the wolf in Red Ridng Hood) attempting to run off with the innocence of a naive farm girl. And I hope he can get work as the Cryptkeeper when he loses "you know... the thing".

Sunday, August 23, 2020

B Havior

AITOOW wants to reassure black people that we don't dislike them for the way the look? We dislike them for the way they act. Maybe if they behaved, they would b have.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Joe Hidin(g)

AITOOW thinks Slappy Joe looks like the rich guy Hannibal Lecter cut off the eyelids, etc of? I thought it was Mr Burns. I am corrected. Every time I see him lucid, I think back to those stories I used to hear about musicians and their Dr Feelgoods shooting them up with B 12. I wonder what go go juice they are pumping into him? Is he doing it old school? Would also like people to refer to the blabbering bobble head AOC as Bubbles.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Wahington Post Office

AITOOW thinks it's funny that democrats might be disenfranchised by Jeff Bezos? It is postulated that the post office has reconfigured its systems for packages from Amazon. Making it less likely that it can handle mail in voting.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Loose Change

AITOOW believes that people don't really want change? They pretend they do. They kick the tires. They play around with the concept. But, then they puss out. Therefore, many of those saying they will vote Trump out of office will either not vote or vote to keep him (status quo) on the job. Ask Bob Dole, Ross Perot, John Kerry or Mitt Romney if I'm right.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The Un Gen That Can't

AITOOW thinks that me-lennilas have been sheltered from the "real" world into adulthood? They continue to mooch off their parents and haven't had that "come to jesus" moment that the rest of adults have had. As a result, they haven't had to abandon the childish pedagogy that most generations have. The hope that they would "mature" as they age remains hope. They are also the "un" generation. Untalented. Unimaginative. Unproductive. Uninspired. The arts, etc have never been more puerile and tepid.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Conventional Democrat

AITOOW thinks Slappy Joe is starting to resemble Mr Burns? They say the far Wrong is pushing him on his platform. I'd like to see a T shirt with him getting pushed by them in a wheelchair. Maybe by Kamel Toe Harass. In front of a plantation. I love his ads bemoaning leadership in which he describes the aforementioned as listening to pretty much everone else.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Heavy Hearted

AITOOW women aren't racist because they want to be fat? Black guys like those blobs. They have to be inclusive.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Joe's Kamel

AITOOW thinks Kamala Harris (how is that a Jewish name?) sounds perpetually drunk or high and congested? Maybe dhe has a deviated septum, wink wink. Does she "party"? That laconic, whiny, preachy voice isn't going to play well. I suggest they get her in front of a mic as much as possible. Then again, it didn't hurt that the small O very much and he sounded like a robot. Biden sounds half in the bag too. But, that is probably the dementia. And who dresses worse? She makes Hillary or Michelle look trendy. Those pant suits and blouses from Ross. It's like Rick James ate Martin Lawrence and is trying to fit ten pounds of flour in a five pound sack. And I guess she isn't Hindu. Having a fear of karma would certainly have had an effect on her behavior.

Saturday, August 15, 2020


AITOOW wants to start a movement where we wear black facemasks to acknowledge who is spreading covid 19? Or masks of color?

Friday, August 14, 2020

Tao of Fau

AITOOW is sick of the "everything" of Most Honorable Fau Xi?

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Sex Drive

AITOOW thinks nothing prover the old axiom that men are the gas and women are the brakes than current events?

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Dark Nights

AITOOW finds it odd that a generation brought up on Batman movies takes the side of the mob? It's like the last Bale batman movie out there. Did they not see what happens when Bane is in charge? I also want to clear these old omes from the in box. Is anyone using a hotel room ironing board? Seems like a waste of resources. has anyone seen Dods diving? It's crazy.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Old Spice

AITOOW wonders how many Karens are aging Spice Girl "girl power" fans? And to reiterate, a Karen (or Cynthia) is that horrible, angry, childless or divorced or never married mother of two with three cats who thinks she can condescend to other adults like she does ro her "gifted" but probably autistic children. Sadly, she's probably also involved in local affairs in some capacity in which you will cross paths and she'll weid her power like the despot that they say all women given power can't help abusing.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Who Am I? Why Am I Here?

AITOOW remembers Admiral Stockdale? He's who I think of every time I hear Joe Biden. Who do you think had more of their faculties at election time?

Saturday, August 1, 2020

By Any Mean(ness) Necessary

AITOOW thinks The Wrong (especially in education) has given up trying to exorcise the inferiority complex in blacks and has been attempting (and succeeding) to transfer it to whites (males predominantly)?

Friday, July 31, 2020


AITOOW would like Wu Flu cases broken down by race? I think there is a reason it isn't. And why are we given "positive test" not positive people? How many are retests that we are led to believe are new people infected? And how are the negative rates so high? That many idiots thought they were sick? What does that say about reality versus perception? Thanx Karen's. And isn't it funny how liberal media outlets like TMZ have tried to reverse who the "karens" are?

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Rambling Man

AITOOW thinka aomeone has to tell Trump to get to the point? There is an old expression that "I just want to be told the time. Not how to build a watch". He usually does the later. And then breaks into something unrelated.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020


AITOOW wonders why the Ghostbusters released Jerry Nadler?

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Big Problem

AITOOW thinks we have a bigger problem with people over a certain height evincing patterns of meglomanis than we do with short people? Tak eyour Comeys. Your DeBlassios. They seem to think themselves superior because they can literally look down on you. I'l bet neither can even dunk a basketball. Among their many limitations.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

You Don't Say So

AITOOW wonders which holocaust collaborator lives (or did) in the penthouse at 969 Fifth Ave between Fifth and Madison on 78th St in Manhattan?

And (sort of unrelated) why don't people ever mention Bloomberg TV when they cite illiberal media?

Wednesday, July 15, 2020


AITOOW would like to start an organization called Black Leaders Are Mostly Extortionists? And does Congresswoman Talib believe that sharia law is also something we need to do away with?

I also encourage people (again) to rediscover the works of Ayn Rand (especially the books which are a compilation of her articles) before people like Bezos categorize them as hate speech. They are a good history lesson on illiberalism from the Thirties through the (first) me generation. Much of what is transpiring today has already occurred in this country (and the world) semi-recently. Tom Wolfe also has some funny articles on the topic. Kudos to Bari Weiss.

I also heard a great (very informed) talk show host while traveling to Great Basin NP in NV. I'm not sure where the signal was coming from. It may have been UT or ID. Around 2pm. On 570 or 590, I think. He said he was (or is) in the government in some capacity. He was speaking of the government's take over of our food supply networks because of Wu Flu (among many things) and how it now is using block chain and AI to monitor everyone in the supply chain. Including you. It started with the military supply chain. I believe it was innocently started to weed out foreign sabotage. But, it could really be militarized (no pun intended) if Marxists are put in power again. Very ominous. They will be able to track everything everyone does and work with major international companies (who love it because it culls competition) to frustrate anyone who won't (or can't ) comply. Plus they get to spy on you. More bad news for mom and pops and small farmers. And this was just one thing he spoke of. I'm not impressed easily. He was outstanding.

And as I am speaking about talk shows, is there a worse theme song than the one on Hannity? That stupid country song makes me wince. I don't want a little wang in my ying yang. He also cuts off his guests too frequently and drones on and on about the same crap. Every show is like a re-run. Every take is repetitive.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

No Justice No War

AITOOW thinks 2020 will be a repeat of 2018 for one simple reason? Republicans are too well trained. They don't cause a fuss. They don't They don't stand up for themselves. They don't scare the great undecided into voting with them. As such, they will vote with the mob. In the misperception that things will calm down. The squeaky wheel syndrome. You can see it playing out in states where government is imposing martial law. Hell, it doesn't need to be martial. These pussies cow to threats and edicts. The July 4th beach shut downs in CA (and lack of dissent) emboldened the governor into canceling schools. That and pressure from the craven teacher's union (and the selfish paid upfront teacher themselves) to close it down. Quick question. Why can't they hire one "super" teacher to virtually teach every student? And then furlough all the others? I'll bet we'd have students back in the classroom then. I also wonder what would happen if Republicans in blue states don't send in their census form as a n act of protest. It would decrease the number of representatives (and national influence) their states have. Something they shouldn't mind. Their states already are already in hock, so, the reduction in federal aid wouldn't matter much. They'll just borrow more. Plus, they can move after and still give their state a ten year FU.

Do you think there is any chance the illiberals are responsible for increased Wu Flu infections? Could they be so low as to encourage their voters to swamp testing centers and (worse) get the flu o purpose? Or are their constituents just that irresponsible. I'm basing this on the facts that I'm told it is a racist virus and you never hear (the one time) racial break downs on the news.

And why are La Raza and Bernie Bros never mentioned when mayhem rears its ugly head. Did we forget about them?

Monday, July 13, 2020

Flake News

AITOOW wonders why they report on "pending legislation" that has no hope of passing both houses or being vetoed? Especially from the democrats in the House. On conservative media outlets. Is it just to rile up the audience? Make them tune in? It makes me tune out. You hear it a lot on their news updates on the hour or commercial breaks. It just seems to increase the celebrity of the cranks in opposition. I would ask the listeners to request these outlets practice a little more impulse control (or rank manipulation). They are the adults. They shouldn't be manipulated like children. And advertisers should request this too. It can't make their customers eager to buy. Unless they sell stress relief (is that good for My Pillow?) or protective services and products. They also seek out acting officials in the administration to respond to these fantasies. I would prevent them from acknowledging these queries if I were in charge. Or demand they denounce them or treat them with the disrespect they deserve. Ala the new press secretary.

And have you noticed that almost every interview now is like an episode of Law and Order. Cops or DAs interrogating a perp. There is no civility. Why sit down for these interrogations?

And what are the combined Nielsen (or whatever diagnostic service they use) ratings for all illiberal news/talk outlets? Limbaugh claims 55 million. Are they close? I hear that their ratings are always falling. What is the number? Include print and social-ist media. Are they so low that they should be ignored? I mean literally ignored. As in not acknowledged at press briefings. Have a minimum audience number to be let in the room.

Sunday, July 12, 2020


AITOOW thinks it's odd that all the players sitting out the baseball season are washups whom their clubs are probably glad they don't have to pay? All are blocked at their positions by younger, better players. All have been dead weight for quite a while. You would think these would be exactly the type of players that WOULDN"T sit out. I wonder if their contracts get pushed forward a year with no loss in duration? That would make it may comprehensible.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

The Real Cancel Culture

AITOOW has canceled all social-ist media accounts? Additionally, I will continue to compile a list of all the advertisers/entities who apply pressure to these entities (and similar ones) and boycott their products and services. Then I'll wait and watch them blame every other factor (except their socio-political overreach) for their company's poor performance.


*That's all I feel like hashtagging for the moment. I also suspect that the word "defund" will become the buzzword for boycott type events.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Blond Lives Matter

AITOOW wants Minnesota to change their football team's name and logo? Viking horns were an invention of other cultures to discriminate against Scandinavians.. Actual Vikings never wore them (or were born with them). They were depicted with horns to insinuate that they were evil (devils). I am offended by this callously racist depiction of my ancestors. They were a peaceful people on par with Native Americans (who seem preoccupied with having land that they considered open to all people stolen from them). They should not be associated with such a violent, oppressive sport. I believe there are other teams in amateur athletics that also appropriate this term. They need to be made to change as well.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Ad-vantage GOP

AITOOW thinks the Republicans need to run a commercial that says "There is a worse virus than Wu Flu (say Covid) infecting our country. It is called Democratic Socialism". Or call it Worldwide Socialism Inc. Then tailor clips with riots, the Squad, local politicians, deep state Russian probers, the Flynn conspirators, etc. Hopefully, this will keep the message on the bigger picture, help the down party ballot, tar and feather the Democrats and the Obama administration and keep the attention off health care at a time when it good be the number one issue (during a pandemic). Thankfully, it doesn't seem to be too toxic, so, maybe it won't be what people decide on. In the mid terms, it seemed to be important. That and girl power. I would also like to see a "we have nothing to fear, but, fear itself" type message. Maybe do a similar ad and make the Left (and Karens) what you are talking about when you reference the second fear. Show the faces of Democratic politicians or other piss pants that have tried to mind control us. And I would still like to see someone steal the Apple "1984" ad.

It is also helpful that these issues have happened with time to work on them and has emboldened the crazies to demand even more change (something people usually say they want and then betray). Plus the polls help keep the Left over confident again. They would really be making stuff up and obstructing if they felt they were behind. Who knows what grievance will be at the forefront come November. Hopefully, making it a non-change election will result in victory. But, the size of the change has to be made clear. And they don't even have to lower themselves to exaggeration. Just retell the Left's vision. They aren't smart enough to lie about it any longer. Thank you Melennials for making people so entitled that they don't have the capacity (or patience) for subterfuge.

Make America Better Again

AITOOW thinks Trump (and every Republican) needs to meet (or offer personal condolences) with every minority family who has a loved one killed by lawlessness from now until Election Day? He is probably wasting his time with victims of police brutality. He needs to peel off votes from those groups (double hit to Lie-den with a loss of vote to him and an added one to Trump). It may also garner him votes from the women (and rest of the 6%) he lost in the mid terms. They all vote on emotion or self interest (and the metoo movement has taken a back seat). Pointing out Lie-dens failures and his own accomplishments are rational arguments. These idiots won't be influenced by them. Hammering him on his Alzheimer's will be evident enough and seem mean. This is a race between him and Obama. Or him and white guilt. He can't let those white idiots think that a vote for Lie-den (Slappy Joe) is a vote for peace (race relations). He has to take that talking point by seeming sympathetic and tough on lawlessness. These victimized families will probably be amenable to that message (and attention) and let these guilt ridden white appeasers channel their angst towards Trump's message of using stability to really make (worthwhile) black lives matter.

He's been handed this opportunity by the opposition. He can use their weight against them. They can be labeled as promoting disorder and violence and only being concerned with criminals. He also has to demand that the Republicans get the H of R back for any progress to occur. It has to be a binary choice. Him or criminals. Him or chaos. No more checks on his power. The people have to choose a side. And hopefully the voters will be scared enough to make this a change election because of all the disharmony already occurring in the world. Make them fear the unknown of the new Democratic party. He can also continue with the "America is Great" message. He just has to make it seem like America is never satisfied and constantly evolving towards its unprecedented promise.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Equal Rights

AITOOW wonders why hot black chicks aren't all over fat white guys?

Monday, July 6, 2020

Totals Dis-correct

AITOOW thinks it is funny that more and more people think they are more and more special as more and more people (than ever) are being born every day?

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Defend the Police

AITOOW wonders who will protect black people from the hordes of white supremists is they defund the police?

Saturday, June 20, 2020

New Operation Chaos

AITOOW officially is no longer concerned with the future of America or the planet? I believe I hate around 95% of the snowflakes and race/gender obsessed who will inherit both and, as such, I will do nothing with the rest of my life that will result in a benefit for either. In fact, I think I'm going to try and sabotage both as much as possible. If they want to burn it down, I'll supply the lumber.

Friday, June 19, 2020


AITOOW thinks racist black athletes are trying to get their white coaches fired so that more brothers get jobs? Just like in media. That and payback for being given structure that their broken homes never gave them. I wonder what the break down between no father at all and ex-con Nation of Islam fathers raised these spoiled brats. That or agitator girlfriends ala Colin Kaepernick. Most of them weren't even good enough to get into the school of their choice. I would pull their scholarship and make them play at a worse school. There are only so many slots. Eventually they/some would have to play for your school anyway. Probably the same star rating too. I would let all these other schools hire black coaches who demand no discipline and are inferior coaches and watch them all become the U. Great talent. Poor winning percentage. Or be like Pac 12 schools and recruit Samoans.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Who's the Boss

AITOOW wonders if being a Republican disqualifies you from having white privilege? They are supposed to have all the money and power and yet do not own social media, search, media, education, music, movies, live theater or any other arts and entertainment (opinion). Nor do they seem to be able to buy off an adequate amount of elections. The only area they seem to have dominion over is radio. Radio! How au courant. Why are they so disorganized? So feckless. So impotent. They should have enough capital (even if pooled) to control all the levers of society Instead they are losing to the losers of the world. They don't even sponsor any alternatives. Ones that don't need to run in the black. Just use the charitable tax deduction or write what you need into law like the opposition does. You can probably have the tax payers sponsor it (ie PBS/NEA).

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Slaves to the Past

AITOOW wants all Egyptian symbols banned because they are reminders of when Jews were enslaved by these Africans? And lets add Roman and Greek symbols for the same reason and their enslavement of people of any color as well. And let's add Arabic symbols for the same reason. And coastal and northern African symbols on all coasts for the same reason. And lets add most Asian symbols for the same reason. And British symbols for African slave trade reasons and white indentured servitude. France and Spain and Portugal. You get in the boat too. Do serfs count? Russia get in the boat. You get it. And am I the reason why CHAZ changed their name?

Tuesday, June 16, 2020


AITOOW hates Italian Americans who don't pronounce the vowels at the end of words? Like proscuitt or mozzarell. Even auto correct agrees with me.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Shame Circus

AITOOW thinks we are paying people (public employees) to shame us? And they are complaining about having to accept reductions in their raises. This also applies to the elected officials crippling private industry.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Shitizens Brigade

AITOOW wonders how many rioters were illegals, Bernie bros, homeless and prisoners we set free? Same with Wu Flu infections (minus the bros).

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Unmasking the Electorate

AITOOW thinks you can see which of your neighbors is a democrat by whether they wear a face mask or not? And when the Wu Flu dies down, every Karen will claim credit for it.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Baby Daddy Day

AITOOW wonders when we will be told we can no longer celebrate Father's Day because it offends those disproportionately underserved without fathers? And may I ask, aren't blacks disproportionately overserved when it comes to positions in the media, arts and athletics? The Today Show is 75% black. I believe they are 13 or 18% of the population. And isn't it funny that CHAZ is the most white privileged sounding name there is. And if you look at their demands, they want apartheid. Just in reverse. So shocking.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Let's Go Campusing

AITOOW thinks me-lennials (especially minorities and women) are using "woke" culture to advance in their careers? They whine about someone with seniority, and viola, a more attractive position has just opened up. It's sort of how they got into college as well. Whine and get something a better qualified person should have had. Another instance of the campus finding its way into regular society.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Civil Lining

AITOOW loves that new shaming term blacks are using on white hypocrites and appeasers? I think it's "this you" or "that you". And is the silver lining in all the chaos and Wu Flu hysteria that it mostly is discomfiting liberals in their blue state bubbles? Will anyone ever learn that tolerance just emboldens the male psyche. All these single mothered snowflakes and women on the left do not understand this simple fact.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Inquisition. What a Show

AITOOW who is sick of the racial inequality? When will whites get the same protected status as the rest of America? And who is a bigger pussy? Jimmy Fallon or Drew Brees? And can anyone cite for me one instance where a black person did something charitable for a non-black? Talking to you Michael Jordan. Like you hadn't already earmarked those tax deductible donations (only for non-whites of course) with your accountants before the rioting. Way to be an opportunist.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Looney Rule

AITOOW is ashamed for the minorities and women who are not embarrassed when speaking about discriminatory practices that are implemented for their benefit? And not only are they not ashamed of it, they always want more. I guess it is another case of dumb people don't are too dumb to know they are dumb. And too dumb to know they aren't as qualified or good or fair. They just want to keep unbalancing playing fields so they benefit. And let me reiterate, benefit over better qualified individuals.

Monday, May 25, 2020

What the Beep

AITOOW would like to murder the person (and politicians who demanded) invented the thing that beeps when you back up your car and the train going through a town horn? Car alarm guy, jack hammer guy, leaf blower guy should also be shot.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Pardon the Interruption

AITOOW thinks Trump needs to say (and maybe actually do for once) that he will pardon any American that is arrested by blue state Governors? Instead of spending money like a wigger (and who knew Blake Snell was such a) with a credit card, he should try and do something that Conservatives actually would approve of. Or maybe Lindsay Graham cam can promise an investigation into every arrest? All these blue state edicts reveal how their Governors live their lives. Their rules close down everything they are unfamiliar with. Like churches. I'm an atheist, but, even I can see how they are being denied Constitutionally protected rights and head shops are being given them. Obama freed thousands of drug pushers on a whim. Trump should be doing the same.

Saturday, May 23, 2020


AITOOW wonders if all these "un-maskings" were another retroactive attempt (like the Susan Rice memo and probably all the Comey jourmal entries) to make legal any illegal meetings of the Obama administration after Hillary lost and might be looked into? I propose that they were having many large volume meetings about Flynn, etc which required certain formalities that weren't followed and then they had to try and make it seem like these people were authorized to be in these confabs. Obambi did pride himself on trying to outlawyer the Nation. Funny how all the Democrats now want us to wear masks. But, I guess they would have always wanted US to do what they weren't willing to do.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Snow Job

AITOOW notices that suddenly the media care about actual/accurate unemployment numbers? This, years after swallowing every misrepresentation by the Obambi administration.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

School's Out Forever

AITOOW thinks the teacher's union isn't all that interested in having students return to the classroom? It has nothing to do with student safety. Cut off their paychecks and let's see how "responsible" they act.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Unequal and Not Separate

AITOOW wonders if inclusivity and creating institutions that look like society, why there are no affirmative action programs for players? I keep hearing the NFL is 80% black. So, shouldn't we address that imbalance?

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Slow Joe and Slou-mo 2020

AITOOW can't wait for the Presidential debates?

Friday, May 15, 2020

Who Won't Wear Thw Ribbon?

AITOOW thinks the surgical mask will become the ribbon or lapel pin? Or bumper sticker/t shirt.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Tapper's Delight

AITOOW noticed the news didn't seem to be silent as to the race of the two white guys that shot the black person in Georgia? They seemed to take delight in it and shouted it from the rooftops.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


AITOOW thinks we have Ameri-cans and Ameri-cants? Or Republi-cans and Demo-cants. And why aren't US National Parks open? More people getting paid for doing nothing. Shockingly part of the group making the rules for the rest of us.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Re-Orienting Our Perspectives

AITOOW wonders how Kawasaki Disease isn't racist (though I think I heard it called something else yesterday) and Wuhan virus is? Some funny things I've heard on the radio lately. A Detroit reporter on NPR said blacks there don't trust USPS to deliver their mail in ballots because Trump chose the head of the dpartment. That one needs to be spread to as many people as possible. I also heard on the radio driving through Austin TX that their beatniks are angry at Xi Jianping Disease because of all the added take out waste it has created.

Monday, May 11, 2020

FU CK Boomer

AITOOW wants to thank the Me Generation for one last hurrah? 3 Trillion! Let's hope enough die that the savings on medical and social security even out. And is is it true that Xi Jianping disease is already muting to a weaker iteration? And is it true that hospitals are encouraged to classify it as such because then the get reimbursed at $13k not (say) $5k for pneumonia?

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Blah Blah Black Creep

AITOOW feels Obambi must really feel the noose tightening around him to call out of his ivory tower? Nothing is more incriminating than this timely panic move. It's two fold. He is pretending he still cares about his minions so they won't roll over on him and he's trying to get power back to them so they can squash investigations into the Russian probe.. Plus the Xi Jianping Disease malarkey worries him because he smokes and his wife is obese and it only kills Democrats.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Biden Bruh and Ho

AITOOW wonders who is paying for Dovato? You know that ubiquitous commercial with a pineapple coiffed homo speaking about all the things it allows her to do (which like most minorities usually amounts to them "fighting" for things for themselves). Health insurance/Medicaid or Care (whichever poor people use) pays for this right? That means we are paying this drug company? For people who won't adjust their fucking habits.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Nothing to Fear But Fear of Fear Itself

AITOOW who thinks Xi Jianping Disease shut downs were liberal Xanadu? Everyone is equally miserable. I'm perfectly alright with blue states remaining closed. In fact, I wish we could keep them in mothballs permanently. I also noticed that Gov Whitless is a first time Gov. No wonder she cowered under the stress. Do you think these lefties are all just equally fragile or are they co-ordinaing?

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Less Cow Bell

AITOOW thinks Goomba-nor Cuomo sounds like Christopher Walken? Love his work on nursing homes. Funny how he doesn't mind the Feds going into debt saving his state, but, he can't go into (further) debt forgoing taxes on out of state volunteers.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


AITOOW thinks Mnuuchin will take the fall (and rightfully so) for the missteps in the stimulus bill. There will be endless stories of graft. Mark Cuban was on the radio outlining all the mistakes in the small business loan portion. How easy it is to basically remain closed and still not have to repay the loan. How hard it is for small companies to get the money. How banks are playing favorites with their big customers. Etc. Plus people will freak out when they learn how many billions the banks (the enemy) are reaping from this *while also playing favorites with entities that don't need the money as badly). Can we say "Wall St versus Main St" again? Real basic miscues. Calls into question his familiarity with basic business practices and his sensitivity. Angers that demo. The companies who received the loans will also be an issue. The list of companies that received benefits that weren't meant to will be a huge talking point. How could this not have been anticipated? Basic common sense. The difficulty getting people stimulus checks will also be a sticking point. The money issues never seem to be an issue going the other way. Waste and graft will probably be an issue and call into question his lack of foresight and knowledge of the milieu. The tea party crowd has probably already decided to stay home. Trump's largesse and this latest clumsy stab at saving his economy probably keeps them home on election day. And they want more. This looks like deja vu. It didn't work for Bush/McCain and I doubt it will work for Trump. Step one will be blame Mnuchin for bad advice/policy. Doesn't really make Trump look like a great businessman either. It is, in actuality, a fair criticism. I'm surprised and disappointed and skeptical about their competency in this area and I felt confident in them and their bona fides before I saw their work.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

One Way Street

AITOOW wonders why the IRS seems to be able to take from your bank account whenever they please, but, you have to go to a website and give them that information to get your stimulus check? Isn't that info on your Schedule B? And that's just an example of the one way nature of the relationship betwixt the government and ourselves. We must take the Census. They can't get the unemployment checks to people....

Monday, May 4, 2020


AITOOW feels that women in positions of power (ie legislators, teachers, bureaucrats, activists, agitators, celebrities) have created a hostile "life" environment for men? I would like a movement to arise that fights this toxic femininity.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Biden Weinstein 2020

AITOOW would like to see Biden Weinstein 2020 or Biden Epstein 2020 hats and stickers (and facemasks)? And I could swear he had a rep for hound dogging after his wife died. Not sure why other politicians are acting like he was a boy scout. My family was invited to a dinner while on Xmas vacation in Hawaii in the Eighties and he was flirting with my stepmom. Not sure if he tried to finger her though. Maybe he was just trying to give Tara Reade an abortion?

Saturday, May 2, 2020

You've Been Served

AITOOW wonders how they calculate "under served"? I hear how communities are under served. But they never mention what needs to occur to make them "served". What is the metric? Another worthless sobriquet.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020


AITOOW thinks we all suffer from most of the corporate (mostly television ) media being based in NYC? Since they are in the hot zone, they are experiencing the pandemic in larger relation than the rest of us. This leads them to have their usual skewed view of the world. A very Apple-centric view. Their usual lack of context is amplified. Plus their fast paced, pampered lives have been vastly effected. They must be freaking out and dragging us with them. Now is the best time for a transition away from those sources.

I also wonder if that Florida hating arriviste Seth Myers wishes he didn't have such disdain for the aforementioned? At least the Northern part.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Facing Facts

AITOOW has learned that acne is sign of drug withdrawal?

Monday, February 17, 2020

Bone Heads

AITOOW wonders if this bone broth fad is really a ruse to make women think they can replace the collagen in their faces that age eliminates? IE another beauty con disguised (because they can never admit to such base motives such as vanity) as nutrition.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Back To You

AITOOW notices that no talking head ever disagrees with an on location reporter when they finish their story and throw it back to the studio? No matter how stupid or biased the report.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Mercury Rising

AITOOW thinks all these climate crackpots share a faith in something akin to astrology? Which is also a resurgent belief. They take a bit of soft science and use it to explain every cosmic occurrence. When I was a kid they were hysterical over the oncoming ice age. Then we had to save the forests by eschewing paper (trees) in favor of plastics. The list is long of all the "quick fix" environmental edicts that were cure alls and had negative unintended consequences. The thing they all had in common was the "soft science" they were based on and the lack of critical analysis that the scientific method is meant to correct.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Pray Tell

AITOOW wonders if they can't get through to god because of all the stupid people asking god for stupid things? And am I "butt dialing" every time I say "God dammit" or "Jesus Christ"?

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Rose Colored Glasses

AITOOW wonders why MLB only seems to really care about cheating when it comes to gambling? And doesn't that only seem to harm people (aside from all those hurt by ANY type of cheating) that they wouldn't seem to have any relationship to? It's like they were the "house". It can't be because they want to be the only ones paying the players. They get outside compensation from many other sources.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Palace Stein

AITOOW thinks the reason the Palestinians won't sign a peace treaty is that they know they can't govern successfully once they do? No one else to blame then.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Family Lies

AITOOW notices that people who are paid outrageous sums of money always try and justify it by saying it is for "me and my family"? How much of that largesse actually filters down to them do you think?

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Layoffs and Playoffs

AITOOW is sick of the difference in regular season and playoff effort in sports? Especially football and basketball. It's like the regular season is pro-am. You can see the difference in effort. It's night and day. Nor subtle. The speed. The concentration. The contact (on non white players). The actual participation and Lazurus rises from the dead (or injured list). And it doesn't help that the renumeration they get is astronomical and you know there are passive aggressive racial undertones to it. Or they are just plain lazy like the stereotype asserts.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Black Letter of the Lost

AITOOW remembers that the fear was that in the new millennium everything and everybody was only going to be ironic? It seems that that fear was misplaced. Everyone and everything is literal. There is no irony or sarcasm or tone. Everything is just as if it were texted. Unless you can uncover some hidden bias of course.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Black Marks

AITOOW thinks black made movies are given an extra star by reviewers?

Friday, January 17, 2020


AITOOW wonders why they don't play the music they are dancing to in that Pit Bull Boost Mobile commercial? Was it too "ethnic" for their executives? Did it cost more to use it? Make no mistake, I'm glad we aren't subjected to the vulgarity. I would just like to laugh at the back story. It's so unlike modern business thinking. And who remembers that recent commercial with a Stephen Hawking mini me playing a video game? Was that pathetic or what?

Thursday, January 16, 2020


AITOOW thinks old people aren't empathetic/sympathetic? They don't become more understanding and openminded with age. They just can't win a dispute any longer. They have neither the energy nor the physical power to mix it up. They must take the side of the weak. It's them.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Baby Talk

AITOOW wonders if we hear so much pigeon English because we try and be understood by "simplifying" our speech when we interact overseas? They just mimic what they hear.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Green(back) Revolution

AITOOW thinks countries that promote clean energy are just ones who have no "dirty" energy? They aren't altruistic.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Bone Slugs and Disharmony

AITOOW wonders why black athletes are such bitches? They are soooo hurt by being called names. Mr Sensitive. You are more pre-menstrual than a Vassar freshman women studies major. And btw, the monikers are usually accurate and you just can't acknowledge it. Thugs? Yes it's the identity you promote on a daily basis. And most of you aren't just posturing. Jimmy Butler aside. You are actual thugs who moonlight as minimal effort athletes (and entertainers). If you are truly not thugs then explain to me how you would respond to me if I called you the bitch (or worse) you are. Thought so.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Sticking It To Us

AITOOW is not impressed by hotels reducing their plastic use? It's just another instance of them being enabled to cut costs by pretending to be ethical.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Grace Over Race

AITOOW was glad to see so few "representation" awards at the Golden Globes? And by "representation" awards I mean dispersity participation awards.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The New WNBA

AITOOW wonders how long will it take for the NBA to become all white again? Three Pointers. No defense. Small players. Only systemic racism can hold it back.