Tuesday, September 15, 2020

A Very Brady X-Miss

AITOOW thinks Bridget Monahan has aged better than Giselle? You never know what hidden "talents" the Brazilian has, but on the surface, it looks like a fumble.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Blue Double Cross

AITOOW wonders why more critics don't point out that guns are illegal when reporting on shootings in blue states? More impactless lip service. How are people getting guns when it is not allowed? And how is it that only the criminals seem to have them? I thought that was a hysterical counterpoint? And how many people not wearing masks may have immunity after going through the stages? Think on that the next time you shame, Karen.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Nothing But Assholes

AITOOW wonders if it is true that 80% of those big mouthed NBA justice warriors aren't registered to vote? Let alone do vote. NFL too. I know the system is so corrupt their votes don't count. So why bother?

Saturday, September 12, 2020

The Racism For The Cure

AITOOW is sure that all the assholes (ie Slappy Joe and Kamel Toe) decrying the administration's preliminary vaccine to Wu Flu as untested and unreliable, will be the first citing racism for their inability to jump the line to get some?

Friday, September 11, 2020

The More I think About IT

AIYOOW thinks what someone who asks "What are you thinking about?" is actually asking is "Are you thinking of me?"

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Wheezy Joe

AITOOW wonders if Slappy Joe had/had coronovirus? He sounds like his lungs have been compromised. He sounds weak. He has shortness of breath. Could he have he be hiding this from us?

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

C E Uh O

AITOOW thinks CEO's are so reactionary and poor at facing public outcry because they are terrible/absentee parents? They solve problems on the homefront by buying off their kids because they have no maternal or paternal instincts. Wether it be a literal buy off or just acquiesing to whatever the child demands, this is how they deal with dissonance. And get back to playing minesweeper, banging the assistant or carving up the greens or doing whatever the do.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Grub Nub

AITOOW thinks that pathetic commercial from Grub Hub that has some bearded pussy passed out on a couch with the tag line that says you rewarded yourself for spending a perfectly reasonable time on the couch is the epitome of me-lennial culture? Get a reward for doing nothing. Don't do something for it. Don't just do it for its sake. Don't go out for the undeserved reward. Be served. Like a useless, sedentary parasite. A pathetic parasite that has to "reward" itself because no third party would. Probably with funds from someone else. Come to think of it, we should call Wu Flu the Millenial Virus. It results in this behavior.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Mine Over Matter

AITOOW finds it's obvious that the NBA grandstanders (ie Lebron) would never sacrifice their own well being for their "beliefs"? Green livres are all that matter to these pampered millionaires. The collective bargaining agreement and the upcoming one holds sway. Fentanyl Floyd and Jacob Rape will have to say their own names.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

BlAAck Privilege

AITOOW find it funny that blacks have affirmative action programs directed towards them and are a "protected class" as crewated by the Supreme Court and still think others have more privileges? Or do they? Or is it just white people with daddy issues? I wonder if the death of Black Panther is an omen?

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Left Said Fred

AITOOW is walking around saying outlandishly offensive stuff and then "excusing" my behavior when confronted by explaining that I'm a democrap? It's fun to see if they catch the misspeak and then their confusion when these probable virtue signalers learn I'm one of them. It's also a political statement on hypocrisy and intolerance. I also tell people I've purchased offsets for my behavior.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Bubble Dumb

AITOOW who is worried about Bolshevik Barbies committing voter intimidation or fraud in their own households? Mail in ballots makes political disagreements with their families more inescapable. Many parents may just hand over their ballots to their daughters. I like to torment these spoiled brats by referring to them as Bubbles. I also encourage OK Boomers to get back at them by saying "OK Doomer" or "OK Gloomer" or just "OK Bubbles".

Thursday, September 3, 2020

True Colors

AITOOW isn't surprised that democrats aren't for defunding (just reallocation)? They would never stop wasting money. This is just an end run around rejection/caps to their social programs. They are just taking it from what society agreed upon spending and denied them in the budgeting process. They would do the same to the military if in powere on a federal level. And why haven't there been calls to change their party colors from blue? Doesn't that offend their base? It evokes police supremecy, privilege, entitlement. And shouldn't the Green Party rebrand. Green evokes money which evokes capitalism which evokes exploitation which results in planetary harm.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

NCAA Cheating Scandal

AITOOW wonders why we think it's a victory that athletes are receiving less practice time? Would we applaud students getting less class time? Well maybe that is an issue we need to address too. And don't tell me they are student athletes. At best they are athlete students. And why they would want less time to get better and increase their chances of matriculating to a pro career is another head scratcher.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Joe Bro

AITOOW thinks it would be wise to play up Biden's frat boy history? That has to make some metooers uncomfortable. And is "C'mon man" the new "Hiyaaaah"? Those fake choppers make me think of every actor to play the roue (ie the wolf in Red Ridng Hood) attempting to run off with the innocence of a naive farm girl. And I hope he can get work as the Cryptkeeper when he loses "you know... the thing".