Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The Wall of the American People

AITOOW wonders if it is allowable for private citizens to pay for THE WALL? I'm sure the 15 billion could be raised privately in no time. Or lease the border to a private company that would charge a toll.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018


AITOOW thinks that "white woman" is a perfect synonym for "Millenial"? They are both entitled, clueless myopics? Not surprising that group a raised group b.

Monday, January 29, 2018

You Can Do It?

AITOOW who thinks that the result of this whole "you can do do anything" propaganda movement aimed at girls just leads to them blaming someone (men) when reality sets in? There are very few "can do" type of people.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Squatting Towards Bethesda

AITOOW finds it infuriating that a bunch of trespassers can shut down the US government? Are more than 50 votes needed to pass the budget? Who are the Repubilcans that are betraying their country? Graham? Flake? McCain? I notice that the media-cracy isn't outing them.

Friday, January 19, 2018

On the Case

AITOOW thinks journalists/news rooms (especially op-eds) act like lawyers looking for fact patterns (victims) that will suit their agendas. Lawyers look to overturn laws. The media-cracy look to overturn public sentiment. It is all very calculated.

Knew I should have pounced on the Flake News title yesterday. Forgot. The Post finally got around to it.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Dream On

AITOOW saw this in the LA Times? 5 percent of Dreamers graduate from college. And they don't delineate the quality of college attended. 0.1 percent (notice the decimal point) serve in the military. And notice what type of Dreamer liberals/media trot out as the face of immigration.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

7:00 Club

AITOOW thinks that the news is just the 700 Club for secular liberals? Or they are the annoying co-worker who won't shut up their problems or perceived injustices.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Sealed By A Diss From A Pose(r)

AITOOW would like to see a meme where there is a picture of Seal that says "When you are too much of a pussy to withstand the liberal backlash". And maybe Stacy Dash should respond to his "get your name out of your mouth" (a racist appropriation of black America by a Brit) tweet with a little "get your foot out of your mouth" tweet? And maybe Aziz Ansari should tell his accuser that for centuries "going into a man's apartment after a date" is a "sign" that she gave. And in that vein. "Coffee" isn't coffee. Do you think she was never taught these social cues or she was to busy "liking" and "pining" things to pay attention?

Tuesday, January 2, 2018


AITOOW finds Megyn Kelly insufferable?  Starting with how she spells her name. Like the fuzzy bumpers that spell woman with a y. Attention seeking! Her voice is off putting. Seinfeld had a bit about man hands. How about man voice? And it's raspy too. Her nose looks like it has had a bad nose nose job (even though I think it hasn't). One nostril is indented. Her face is distorted from uneven Botox and filler injections. Her sense of humor is askew. She will (already has) put her foot in her mouth because of it. She emits no warmth. She is ill at ease with others. She always seems to be combative with others. A text book See You Next Thursday. And I think women would say that. I can't watch her. I was flipping through the channels yesterday and I got stuck on NBC for a sec and I swear that I heard her say that her New Year's resolution was to not be so hard on herself. What a sacrifice! And it just so shows you what a clueless, self interested pin head that she is. How does the guy that hired her (for alot of money) still have a job? Is he the same guy that let the harassment fester? Does NBC management model itself after the Knicks or Giants?.

And is CBS in full bespectacled geek mode because of Steven Colbert's "success"? Their new anchor is a clone of that cock-eared orc.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Nissan Minima

AITOOW wonders what the message is in that Nissan Star Wars commercial? Are they saying that "the force" protects Asians from their poor driving ability? Is there automatic braking "the force"? I'm not sure if we (and by that I mean people who obsess over things like that) are supposed to be offended that they chose Asians as bad drivers or if we are to applaud the continuity with the movie (tossing in every ethnicity you can identify). The way the dad looks at the daughter makes you think that he thinks she is special and not an accident waiting to happen. Is the Dad a Kim Jung Un style dotard? Plus, could they have picked two less asian Asians? They are almost white. Just an uncreative attempt to co-brand with a movie that has nothing to do with what they do. Sad.