Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Charlie Chant

AITOOW wonders if the worst torture inflicted on POW's in Vietnam was having to listen to them speak?

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Ad End 'Em

AITOOW is confused by the following commercials? 1. M&M's and Santa. The M says he never met Santa and then says "he does exist" when they meet. Doesn't the first answer lead you to believe he believes Santa exists? If not, why would he say he never has met him? 2. I also love the tone deafness of using a Wu Tang Clan song with the word "dirty" in it. Do they not know what the song is about? It's about a ho trying not to get beat by her pimp. Where is #metoo here? Oh I forgot, black trumps any criticism. What's next? Bitch better have my money? And speaking of commercials, AITOOW is giddy when I flick through the channels and CNN and MSNBC are in them?

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Re-Running Down A Dream

AITOOW thinks the reasom Friends and How I Met Your Mother have found a resurgence in popularity (especially among the young) is that there are no minority or LMNOP characters n them? Plus non-woke banter.

Friday, December 18, 2020

Ref U Geez

AITOOW wishes you could bench bad refs during a game?

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Woe Man's Fib

AITOOW doesn't think any of these empowerment pep talks ever change any girl's behavior? It's funny when you hear girls try and inoculate themselves against criticism or try and modulate their destructive behavior and then see/hear them exhibiting the same behavior. It just shows how hollow their hallering is.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020


AITOOW thinks some men will always cheat and all women will sometimes cheat?

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Run Off Tell Yo Mama

AITOOW thinks all that Republicans need to do in Georgia is tell their voters that this is how they prove that the Presidential election was rigged?

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Lec(tor)tures Factory

AITOOW liked comedy better when it was funny?

Monday, December 7, 2020

Dum is As Dem Does

AITOOW thinks the Dums make it easy for Republicans by raising taxes? They give them a wedge issue and then an administrative achievement every time they get power. They basically ensure their own demise once they get in office.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Crazy Stupid

AITOOW thinks it's odd that shrinks say we can't define gender (observably evident) yet they make up categories all the time to define "normalcy"? All their norms are just created out of whole cloth by men. A penis or vagina is created by nature. How should these "experts" analyze this behavior? I think they would be incriminated by their own terms.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Check It Out

AITOOW isn't impressed by chess masters? Real life has many more opponents and you often don't know who they are? Plus infinite interactions, patterns and possibilites. Chess seems rather an easy excursion by contrast.

Friday, December 4, 2020

A Bros By Any Other Name

AITOOW thinks black people have missed a whole category of names to fuck up? Why not Amanda? Just add a consonant. Bamanda. Camanda. It's just waiting for abuse. Many vowel names haven't been modified. Just add a consonant to those as well. Why not hyphenate them. Get two for one. I'm sure there are African names that start with a vowel.

Thursday, December 3, 2020


AITOOW wonders why a great percentage of the advice we listen to is provided by the dumbest people in society? I'm speaking of singers, actors, talking heads, etc. Shouldn't an advanced society require these "influencers" to have some sort of accreditation before they are allowed to provide advice to the rest of us? We require it of shrinks, lawyers, financial advisors, etc.