Thursday, May 10, 2018

Administering Special Tumors

AITOOW wonders what the cancer risk is for those big scanners at the airport? How many times a year is too many?

Wednesday, May 9, 2018


AITOOW wonders if the whining Mulims I see on tv are infidels? I see alot of incensed Rohingas and Syrians on tv. If their "plight" is the Big A's will, isn't reacting ungratefully to it a sin or proof of doubt? Am I being insensitive to their culture if I feel bad for them? And why are Islamic soldiers always dancing on tv? Is it a Pavlovian reaction to the cameras or are they always ease-ing down the road?

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Flash Boys

AITOOW thinks the only collusion the Mueller inquisition will uncover is that of the judicial process and graft, partisanship, petty reprisals,capriciousness and injustice. The more attention you draw to the legal system, the more it reveals its inadequacies. We aren't comforted with the application of justice. The more we see more sausage being made, the more disillusioned we become (as a country). Whether it's OJ, Casey Anthony, Robert Zimmerman or the myriad of congressional inquiries, All we learn is that the legal system is (at best) about law and not justice. And that is when the fix isn't in. I'm cynical enough to think even the most revered crusader has no concern for the reputation of the legal system. It's only the foundation on which a functioning society (especially a democracy) rests on. People like Mueller are flash burning the environment on their legal safaris.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Let Good Sort Them Out

AITOOW thinks that it is easy to sort the refugees from the economic migrants and welfare state parasites? Refugees appreciate being here. They may even express their gratitude aloud. They know that wherever they came from is infinitely worse than whatever they experience here. They can't go back. It's not just a less better place to trade to. They are grateful to be here. They aren't presumptuous and demanding. They may even vote Republican.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Photo (c)Ops

AITOOW finds it odd that they (the media-cracy) can always find a picture of a black victim to color a story but never find one of a perpetrator? And how often is a story on corruption really just a story of incompetence dressed up (in a perverted way) to make the black person seem less brainless?

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Tranq Stamp

AITOOW thinks that people find tranquility (in whatever) because they have a self-peservential need to find tranquility? They need tranquility to be tranquil. To counter balance all threats in life that would interfere with progress/living/subsisting. Anything will do. It just differs in substance because people differ. One will take to yoga and another to self immolation. Everyone will find their level. I once read that religion is like music. Everyone has their preference. Same with what relaxes us.

Friday, May 4, 2018

You Too, Me Too

AITOOW wonders if I'm being sexually harassed by waitresses? They are always leaving suggestive symbols on my bill. Little hearts and smiles. It really frightens me. What if they take me then and there? If they can't control their passion enough to not try and send me unasked for, suggestive, micro-assaults, how can I be sure I'm not in danger of being violated? In all seriousness, I wonder if waiters do the the same thing to female customers? And if they did, how long it would be before the above actually transpired. Double your standards with Double Mint dumb.

Thursday, May 3, 2018


AITOOW thinks that Spanish poets have it the easiest? Everything rhymes with ito.