Sunday, April 28, 2013

Progressive Thinking

AITOOW thinks you can not persuasively argue that something is theoretically possible? If it can't be realistically applied or proved then there must be an error in the formula or in a definition within the formula.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Garbage In. Garbage Out.

AITOOW thinks it is marvelous that we are all the accumulation of every inter-personal (and I suppose inter-environmental) contact we have been subjected to? So the hysterical rant "you made me this way" may be on the mark.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Nothing To Hide

AITOOW thinks that people who share a loose morality (ie Liberals) need to think that anyone with a stricter moral sensibility (Conservatives) HAVE to be hypocrites? No one could actually harness their lower impulses or be devoid of them to begin with.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Bully Pulpit

AITOOW thinks teachers are just losers that adults ignore? The only ones they have the ability to influence/intimidate are the weakest of our society and they need the sanctioning/support of the community to accomplish that. A bunch of paper tigers. Sanctimonious paper tigers. Next in line in the "pick on somebody your own size" sub division - stay at home parents.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Serial Killer

AITOOW who sees televised entertainment following the pattern of the novel? In the hey day of serialized written entertainment, the publishers could make the largest profit by parceling out stories to the public in a pay as you go model and then collating the story into a compendium (novel) for additional profits. Television executives emulated that business model. Recently selling the collected episodes in DVD form. And like the history of written form in the 20th century, now people prefer to have their content aggregated and available for one mass consumption. You will see less serialized programming and more mini-series like programming. They will all be streamed to you en masse and you will view them at your own pace. Just like books. It's not that difficult to predict.

I need to add that content will not be king for long (if people think it is now). Lower audience pooling, shrinking attention spans/fickleness and shrinking profit margins will lead to shrinking outlays to content producers. By producers I mean those who create content. Plus, like now, desperate producers will give away their content for free in an attempt to distribute through an established construct or inability to get the consumer to pay them directly. Plus, all the increased competition from generations of people who feel the acme of life is to express themselves through media, will increase supply.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Old News

AITOOW finds anchormen pathetic? Except Ron Burgandy. They read the same news story over and over again every year at the same time and are constantly shocked. I just saw Lisper Dolt bewildered that the rivers are flooding again. In the Spring! In areas right next to a FLOOD PLAIN! Who could have seen that coming. That a once in a lifetime event. And this jack ass reports on it every year. It's not like he's been out of the loop.

I also want to give the opposite of a shout out to that botoxed, Chris Sarandon with Bruce Jenner's nose job looking, liberal male Behar, editor of the Jew Norker for forgiving his ass buddies at CNN for mistaken reporting while vilifying the Post. One is a liberal cesspool and the other is a conservative publication Guess which is which. He also tried to use the Boston massacre to promote the gun control bill. Shameless. If it did anything, it showed us why we need them.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Great Balls Of Furor

AITOOW wonders why women get boob implants if they want to look younger? The smaller your boobs, the younger you look. Big, swollen boobs are very maternal. They make you think of pregnant women. I can maybe see it if you get "slinkys" after kids, but, it makes no sense for teens or young women to get them. Yet they do. Another example of clear thinking by the XX collective. Is vaginal stretching the next procedure?

Sunday, April 21, 2013

What's In A Name

AITOOW doesn't understand why no one has picked up on the following red flag about the older Boston Bomber? It struck me right away. Is his name a regional spelling of Tamburlaine? Read the following if you don't know who that was -

"Tamberlaine (timur bin Taraghay Barlas, literally "the limper") is remembered as one of the most bloody conquerors of all time.. Born in 1336 at Kesh, today Shar-i-Sahz, founder of the Timurid dynasty, from which the Mogol dynasty in India is descended, with his army of Tartars and Mongals Tamberlaine managed to conquer a territory extending from China to the heart of Asia Minor. The building of his empire started when, having assasinated his cousin and ally on early military campaigns, Husain, he was proclaimed Grand Emir of the realm of Transoxiana, which surrendered to him 10th April 1370. Among his first conquests was the kingdom of Corasmia, then Mogholistan. The invasion of Persia was protracted until 1380. Tamberlaine levied men and, taking advantage of the current social conflicts dividing the country, decimated the population and besieged the cities of Mesopotamia , Armenia, and Georgia. It is legendary how he constructed watch-towers at the entrance to conquered cities with the heads of those who attempted to resist him. Tamberlaine's ferocity is exceeded only by that of Gengis Khan from whom he claimed to be descended. Meanwhile with the richest booty he beautified Samakand, his city. At the same time, he embarked on a pitiless war against the Khan dell'Orda of gold, Tuqtamish, leading to the conquest of Khwarizm, of Azerbaijan, the Crimea and Ciscaucasia. In the first half of the Fourteenth century it was the turn of India and Syria of the Mamelukes. Thousands of artisans were deported in chains from their cities to Samakand. Bagdad in Mesopotamia was reduced to ruins in 1404."

If he was named after this guy then it says something about his upbringing. Was he trying to emulate his namesake? Just asking. It could mean something.

Also, if he was interviewed by the FBI, why was his father so adamant that he was innocent and shocked about it? Why did the uncle not mention this in his initial new conference? It has come out that he knew about it and had arguments with his nephew about it. Fishy. And lastly, another shout out to that religion of peace - Islam. Do they even know that one of the initial transcribers of Mohammed's words (Koran) quit when Mohammed told him to "just make up" sections the treatise.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Color Me Bad

AITOOW thinks that racism isn't as indefensible as it is made out to be? For it to carry the universal stigma it carries, it would have to be wrong in all cases. It would always have to be unpredictive. As it is, it may be statistically useful. What percentage of the time must it (racism) give good data for it to be rational/acceptable? 100%? That seems to be the standard. The "I would rather let all criminals go rather than imprison one innocent man" argument. What other forecasting methods provide that level or accuracy? None. So something less than 100% has to be the standard. That alone gives racism a place at the table. It can't be whole handedly disavowed.

If you are trying to "profile" any suspect group (or any collection of data) then lowering the risk component is good. And to make it more rational than not, it would have to eliminate over 50% of the variables. Now considering our country is split about 50-50 over most issues, can we conclude that most should be suspicious of conflicting/competing agendas? That means we should predict that half the people we meet are a threat to our existence (or the way we choose to exist). A rational person (playing the odds) would therefore see all people (races) as a statistically relevant threat. Or at least as much of a threat as not (which seems very relevant) . If we assume there is an equal distribution among the races, then suspicion/prejudice is the already the smarter policy (to naivete). And given that it is probable that equal distribution is indeed NOT a constant (different groups probably think much differently), the odds of a different group being aligned with your values are probably lower still. Much lower. So from a purely rational/statistical perspective, racism is not only not a bad thing it is a very good thing. The fact that it is so easily visible makes it even more so. I'm not sure how close it gets us to being 100% sure in the opposite direction, but, it it makes it better than a coin flip. All the treatises on statistics say that that is what you need to look for. Racism is mathematically justifiable.

Friday, April 19, 2013

2 4 6 8. Who Do We Emasculate?

AITOOW thinks cheerleaders are superfluous and discouraging? What man wants a woman nagging to him to "come on" while he's in the middle of work? It's sanctioned cuckolding. It's not inspirational. Save that brow beating for your husband.

Isn't it also great that ABC doesn't air the football championship game on free tv, yet, CBS can air the basketball championship game?

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Analyzing All USA Basketball Team

AITOOW loves that we are so interested (in earnest) to some of the dimmest/least evolved people in our society? The following is courtesy of five high school basketball players deemed worthy by USA Today to have a whole page unto themselves. Let's do a little dime store psycho-analysis and see what assumptions we can make about their current and future development from their responses.

Andrew Wiggins. Favorite Song - "...that song that Cityphil made about ME." Red Flag. Favorite Teacher - the ART teacher and the GYM teacher. Sounds like Dean's list. Most used app - INSTAGRAM. Self absorption. Good Read - a book in which the character "gets back into REGULAR time" (from the future). Sounds like that prep school was demanding. I predict he is and will become a bigger head case. Too dumb and self obsessed to reach his potential.

Julius Randle - Underrated Virtue - "...RESPECT. ... You would be SURPRISED how that impresses people." No we wouldn't. Only a person brought up poorly would. Plus it sounds like you've figured out that you can manipulate people by pretending to be polite. Insincere/duplicitous. Best Advice - "To USE basketball and NOT let basketball use ME". It's probably sensible, but in a system in which the employers try and grind out of much as possible from the help, it's a red flag (for them). You have to be too dumb to realize this or too insecure and need to push yourself towards greatness to gain acceptance to become an achiever. I say he is too smart for his own good to become a success. He will always be trying to give the least amount to his overlords. He will win this battle, but, never win the battle against himself (to find out how good he can be). The result is he will good but not great at anything he does. And he will probably always feel underappreciated. expect 15 and 10 maxs and contract hold outs and long contract discussions in the papers and fake injuries and drama.

Aaron Harrison - Favorite Teacher - "...English. ...She really CARES to help me understand things. she...understand the subject and NOT JUST make sure they're brainwashed". Cares to help me? Not just make sure? This is his favorite subject. Not too much between the ears. May have a chance. Too little info.

Jalil Okafor - Over Rated - "... no days OFF is overrated". He may be right, but, it could indicate a laziness or hard headedness that may not bode well in his chosen field. Working on - "Being more dominant on the DEFENSIVE end." Now you can make this claim about almost all ball players now, but, it does indicate a potential unwillingness to work for advancement and a ceiling to his growth. Then again, it is an admission that denotes honesty and an ability to see himself objectively and critically. His other answers suggest he has the right emotional and mental make up. Plus he's only a junior. Let's see if he picks a good school like Southern Cal or Duke.

Jabari Parker - Vs dad in hoops - "...last time we played was in SECOND grade." Daddy issue? Not an uncommon one. Did daddy split? Need more info to see if it manifests as a source of rage (hates authority) or a motivator (need to win his love). Daddy was a player so the psychological damage could have a multiplier effect. Winning state - "....excitement and RELIEF..." Sounds like he finds basketball (and the expectations) to be stressful. He might not be a killer. His other answers were pretty satisfying. I predict success. Probably not an a-hole like Kobe or MJ, but, could reach LeBron-type degree of mental toughness. A little shaky for some of his career (front and back ends), but, solid enough in the prime years or in a situation that coddles him.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Bone To Pick

AITOOW thinks KFC is only bringing out boneless chicken because it wants you to eat more corn based, chicken flavored spam? It's not about convenience. They just don't want to be the last people purchasing/serving real (even if roided up and pathetic) chickens. In a similar vein, Boston Market's ribs were disgusting. The must salt brine them to extend the shelf life. They were really salty and chewy and luke warm. Plus they are an insult at $11 for three ribs and their sides. Real barbeque places charge that much for a half slab and that's like paying prime retail. A total swing and miss. It's like the sushi the sell you at the supermarket that costs as much as at a restaurant. Idiotic. BM. You are closer to a BM than you are to a real restaurant. The only thing you could ever do was chicken and I'd rather get a whole bird at the supermarket for what you charge for a quarter. BM = IBS.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


AITOOW wonders if the president will redact his pejorative comments on the Patriot's Day bombing if he finds out it was planted by The Weather Underground or was detonated to advance the civil rights agenda? Has anyone asked his good friend Bill Ayer's what he thinks of the action? When will the calls for background checks and limits on pipes and nails begin?

Other things I was reminded of while watching the coverage - Money spent on prevention is a palliative. Cops have no clue (blow up dropped back packs), jump to conclusions (arrest a poor Saudi kid), only succeed if the public hands them evidence (cell phone video) or the criminal gives up or they experience dumb luck or arrest a patsy. Broadcast networks will milk this for all it's worth. They will also create some goofy graphic and theme song to market it. Newscasters will act like the cops they get their info from. Experts will speculate that every possibility is plausible because they don't (and couldn't) have any information at all. Politicians will use the opportunity to push forward their agenda items. People will accuse the most familiar perpetrators with crime because they don't know of many/any others.

It was a little weird that no one talked up the tax angle. It was one of two or three (hatred of US by outsiders, copy cat crime, hatred of paying taxes/hatred of US by insiders) plausible story lines. See if they involve the Iranians in it. Then we know it was a ploy to bomb them.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Ask And You Shall Receive

AITOOW think men stop asking questions when they receive the answer that satisfies them while women don't stop asking questions until they receive an answer they don't like? I believe the explanation may have to do with how we punish children. If a man is punished, the punishment sticks. If he takes any action to extricate himself from his punishment he is ignored or punished further. When a woman is punished, she plays on peoples sympathies and the punishment is either reduced or eliminated. Her actions allow her to associate attention, love, acceptance, gifts with (initially) negative events. She begins to seek out misery. Add to that that it also serves as an eye for an eye guilt ameliorant. Any bad acts she has committed or anticipates committing on the cross examinee can now be forgiven (in her own mind) if she uncovers a bad act committed against her. A guy (probably also encouraged by ego and a desire for peace and happiness) will just accept any answer that doesn't punish him (cause him discomfort).

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Getting Into The Family Business

AITOOW thinks you can't marry a person with a mommy or daddy complex if yours is not dead? No matter how much older you are than them (even if you started out as the parental replacement figure), your mommy or daddy become that missing parent they desire and you are disintermediated. The misplaced attention (and respect possibly love/lust) is rerouted to the patriarch/matriarch. You become a sibling. One whom they are trying to supersede in the hierarchy of parental approval. There must be some crazy sexual/political dynamics going on when you insert one of these psychologically needy people into a household of one those cultures where the family all lives together.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Too Few Cooks In The Kitchen

AITOOW doesn't understand why cooks on these competitive cooking shows never use a thermometer for meats? They always over or under cook something. Why leave it to chance?

Friday, April 12, 2013

Because I Said So

AITOOW thinks that if you insert "because" in place of "if" you have the appropriate response to all those sorts of arguments? IE - If A does X then why should we do Y. BECAUSE A does X we should do Y. Real world example from a response in USA Today about Plan B - "Teens are having sex without parental consent, so WHY shouldn't they buy the pill without it? Because Teens (Y) are having sex (X) without parental consent AND SHOULDN'T (matter of opinion), they shouldn't be able to buy the pill without it too. I'm not saying I agree with the counter argument, but, it is a nice rhetorical trick.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Incest Is Best

AITOOW wants to know why - if love scenes are only "acting" and there is no "attraction" associated with the action - there have been no love scenes cast between actors who are related? If it is merely part of the "craft" and not a free pass to cheat, why won't they participate in these roles with family members?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


AITOOW longs for the days when black people just wanted to turn their gibberish (inability to master proper English vocabulary and grammar) into their own language (ebonics). Now they (actually at the behest of their white liberal overlords) are purposefully trying to redefine the language so words have no meaning. After already eroding the definition of unemployment by eliminating most of the cohort (long term unemployed) from the definition, they are now trying redefine unemployment as retirement. Not to say that some small percentage of the newly jobless did not "voluntarily" retire, but, I wager it was/is a de minimus number. The reality is that there has been little to no real change in the unemployment numbers since the '08 depression and no amount of sophistry will change that. I'm not even blaming that on Bambi, but, I am blaming him for misrepresenting the facts (to his benefit).

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Weather is Here, Wish You Were Fine

AITOOW who is disappointed (but not surprised) that the next generation prefers social media sites that predominantly allow them to taunt? It's a culture of non-stop self-aggrandizement. Where are all the bitter Irish townies nowadays? They would have slapped down these superficial boasters for big timing. Not to say that many of their elders aren't guilty of the same mindless braggadocio. But, at least they... Aww hell they're just as pretentious. Maybe we need a site that ranks people like a tennis ladder. You put in what you are doing and it ranks who is winning at life.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Lazy Fare

AITOOW thinks the laissez-faire attitude of most Millennias is a reflection of their lackadaisical attitude rather than a surplus of tolerance? They just refuse to to be bothered with choosing let alone defending a position. They have never had to fight for anything in their lives and just can't conceive of why you would want to.