Thursday, April 29, 2010

More Derivative Than Twilight

AITOOW wonders at what price did Goldman sell the contracts for the Paulson Poop? If it was very cheap then maybe they created a product that screwed both parties. Paulson paid too much. The counter parties got stuck with crap. Or maybe they both benefited at different junctures? Or maybe the reverse was true. Or maybe the counter parties wanted a tax loss. Or they were using it as a hedge against a short position. Depends on how you look at it. Either they bamboozled both sides or neither. I'm not sure if they met the disclosure requirements, but if they did, then is this even ethically (whatever that means) questionable. Shouldn't the disclosure question be the only issue? And why can a numbskull like me be expected to be expert (caveat emptor) enough to receive no protections against deceptions on almost every transaction save real estate and a financial professional can not be expected to be competent to judge the one area of which he professes to have an ability?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Rumor Has It

AITOOW is concerned that Natalie Portman is morphing into Rumor Willis?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Endor Round

AITOOW thinks Gabourey Sidabe is an Ewok?

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Talk The Talk

AITOOW thinks it's funny that the people who want to put off action on foreign affairs (ie Iraq and Iran) by talking the issue to death are the same people who are deriding the same conduct on domestic affairs (ie Health Insurance and Financial Reform)? Is there ever an end to the hypocrisy?

Friday, April 23, 2010

One Ringy Dingy

AITOOW who has been receiving one ring phone calls since they canceled caller ID?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


AITOOW wonders if it is possible to meet an Afghani who wasn't ass raped as a child? The rich have dancing boys they rape (Batzo Bitzo Boys or some shit like that). The mullahs rape their students. The army commanders rape their soldiers. The kids rape each other (Kite Runner). What the hell is going on over there? Are the woman that ugly? Probably, but, grab a paper bag. Not to mention all the heroin addicts. And we don't use nukes because...?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Be All You Can Be

AITOOW wonders why people jump all over using models to define an ideal? It's supposed to establish what is most desirable in an object or entity. It is supposed to be difficult if not impossible to attain that level of competency. It is a guide post.

Monday, April 19, 2010

We Don't Need Any Stinkin' Mortgages

AITOOW sick of the banks not lending because they have no incentive to take on any risk? This occurs because the government is using them to float its debt by keeping the Fed rate at zero? Banks can borrow an unlimited amount of money and buy Treasuries at a greater yield than their borrowing costs (once agin zero points). It's a guaranteed bonanza and another way the government is surreptiously backstopping the banks. However, there is not even a hint of trickle down in this form of Uber-Reaganomics. I thought the Dems thought trickle down was a con? How exactly are home sales supposed to heal if you have to have a buyer who can pay in cash?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Heading In The Wrong Direction

AITOOW thinks Ryan Phillipe's Head has continued growing while his Lilliputian body has not? He looked like a character in one of those exaggerated cartoons you get at a carnival on SNL last night. It was bigger than Ben Stiller's.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ya Know

AITOOW wonders when girls stop using the term "like" and "actual"? It happens at some point. I wonder why.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Broken English

AITOOW gets incensed when people use expressions that make no sense? In one of those insipid Windows 7 commercials (why the fuck do I care what a Limey and a Frogette think) a Limette says the product is miles simpler. What the fuck do miles and ease have to do with each other? Maybe miles shorter - but that makes no sense either. Measures of length and simplicity have no connection. And they make fun of our intelligence.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Fiendly Skies

AITOOW is aware that airlines are jamming us with those extra fees because they are not taxed by the Feds like the base price is? It's a tax loop hole. They are incentivized to charge those fees. It puts an extra 7.5% in their pockets. Can we find the Congressman who snuck this kick back in?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sporting Wood

AITOOW is suprised there have been no "Got Wood" T shirts?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Drill Baby Drill

AITOOW finds it funny when a politico has to defend their guy when he betrays the faithful?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Say Anything

AITOOW would like it if more of the people giving advice would realize that they are just relating what would satisfy themselves? This in no way makes it good or universal advice. They may be uncommon and unfit to speak for the multitude (which would probably be the limit of it's efficacy). In fact, given the growth of individual identity, one might as well advise that anything be done. It really doesn't matter. Something is going to play to someone somewhere.