Wednesday, July 31, 2013

ABC - Apple Built in China

AITTOW thinks Apple's ad touting "Designed in CA" just reminds people that it is built elsewhere?

Monday, July 29, 2013


AITOOW notices that we never have "diversity" casting when it comes to little vignettes about bad, boorish, illegal activity? No. Then it's ok to exclude. Even if, statistically, less plausible.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

E Is The New Black

AITOOW now cc's the NSA?

Saturday, July 27, 2013


AITOOW thinks that the Christian thing to do was to report Hernandez to the Gainesville police when he saw him in a bar and knew he shouldn't have been? You are supposed to turn a cheek not a blind eye. And it was wrong to interfere in the altercation. Especially wrong since the motivation was to keep a player he could profit from eligible. Not keep the peace. Also wrong. Not reporting the incident to anyone after it happened. I'm not saying my ethics compel such behavior. But, he chose the path he is on. And is the usual hypocrite about it. You don't even get that bringing this stupid incident up shows poorly on you. You think it made you look paternal/mature/concerned.

* A Bowsee (sic) was a retard in my neighborhood. It was an acronym for some program/school the went to.

Friday, July 26, 2013

E-Racer Head

AITOOW thinks the white race is the only race that has ever acted against its own self interest? I'm not saying it only does so or does so frequently. I'm just saying no other race can even contemplate not getting there way - ever. Let alone freely parting with it. See Voting Rights Act/Trayvon Martin hub bub. In a similar vein. An opportunist doesn't respond. He waits. He waits and watches for the angle to play. Remind you of any "contemplative" politician(s) whose angle may be drawing attention away from scandal(s)?

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Shovel Ready

AITOOW thinks it's great that Chicago and Detroit are so flush with cash that they can give away hundreds of millions to recreational pursuits (to the benefit of billionaires)?

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Operation Dumbo (Eaves) Drop

AITOOWwonders why no cartoonist has combined the Eavesdropper In Chief's formidable ears with a joke about surveillance yet?

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Parents Just Don't Understand

AITOOW went to a movie theater that will no longer list the movie showing in a theater outside the theater room or in the entrance area because they had complaints that kids were using them to sneak into R or PG movies? So once again adults have to suffer because parents can't monitor their children's behavior and a limp dick corporation is scared of a lawsuit or a to do by a vocal minority. God forbid Junior should see a boobie or hear a naughty word. How about you take responsibility for your children before we take them from you.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Toil and Trouble

AITOOW wonders if Bernanke is trying deflate the burdgeoning housing bubble or if it is just a casualty of economic engineering? Was he just trying to slow the commodity and equity appreciation he caused by castrating fixed income (zero fed rates =  almost zero fixed income yields =  forced $ out of bonds) and housing got in the undertow? Or was the real fear the appreciation in housing prices? Did he let the stock and commodities markets appreciate so long because he feels the "little guy" doesn't participate in them any longer and could not be harmed directly if it lost value? Is he worried that we were repeating the past with regards to housing and the danger was more real in that area so he wanted higher lending rates to cool it down or was he trying to switch the market's capitalization to more fixed income? The funny thing is now we have the same old game of pick your poison and I say people do what they did in the 90's. They choose real estate again. They eschew the risk of the stocks and equities they were forced into owning over the last 5 years. They flirt with fixed income but it moves too slow and too minimally for most investors per usual. However, they big asset class shift is to real estate. Because they either need the investment itself for practical reasons (escape rising rents) or want it for financial reasons (the others are maxed out or too low yielding). If he was trying to stop a housing hysteria, I hope he didn't cause collateral damage to any of the asset groups unintentionally because I don't think it will stop the groundswell behind it.