Friday, October 30, 2009

Just A Bit Outside

AITOOW doesn't understand why they can't let that balls and strike machine call a game and alert the ump what to say? It's is unbelievable how many mistakes they make. Now I'm not blaming THEM. It's impossible for a human to do this. The ball moves too much, is too fast and the game is too long. Can we please move into the 21st century?

Thursday, October 29, 2009


AITOOW thinks Arsenio Hall is the least funny organism ever to inhabit this Earth? He has never said anything funny. He laughs at his own attempts at humor before he finishes them (which I presume is the result of a lifetime of having to sell his jokes or cajole a reaction). He can't even turn ugly into funny. That face should be a punch line all it's own. However, even it disturbs rather than amuses. Can Leno please pay of his debt to this man in some other way that doesn't annoy us.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Grab A Belt

AITOOW is sick of permissive parenting? I just saw Where The Wild Thing Are and wanted to strangle Catherine Keener. No wonder your kids a terror. He has no fear of reprecussions. It also makes me wonder if kids brought up without a father or strict mother become disproportionately aggressive adults.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Above The Line

AITOOW realizes that the only reason a "public option" (ie socialized health care) would seem cheaper is that taxes or debt will be increased/utilized to make up the difference. If you don't add in overhead, of course it will appear cheaper. But, someone has to pay for it. Add in the financial penalty for abstainers and you see what this is - Medicaid enlargement. Another reward for being a failure.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Care Packages

AITOOW wonders if our economy boomed in the fifties in any part because of all the swag the GI's shipped home as they plundered Europe. I know people say the economy turned in the 30's then dipped and turned again because of WW2, but, I always wondered if our grandparents didn't have a little help courtesy of Europe.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Washington Black Faces

AITOOW finds it entertaining that Rush Limbaugh is incendiary but the Washington Redskins is sloughed off? I'd love to get that ownership group tied up to a lie detector test. Somehow I don't think they're as socially liberal as they want us to believe. Good thing Rush gave that group of thieves and silver spoon babies something else they could manipulate for their own benefit. Who would want to associate with those kinds of people. Irsay, please! That being said Donovan McNabb is/was treated with kid gloves because he was black. Consult any fantasy draft mag since he was drafted. And if stats don't make the man - how about 0 SB's or the fact his own fans/players continually demand his ouster.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Creeping Towards Socialism

AITOOW thinks that Liberals have it easy. All they have to do push through some entitlement every couple of years and the country drifts towards their leftist utopia. Conservatives can crow all they want to about the right center nation, but what does it matter when liberals get in charge of the country often enough to impliment social programs that will never be repealed. If we can never remove a program once it has begun, then the party in charge of maintaining small government can never lose or the damage to "their" society is unalterable. So remember this every time you lose an election. You have just said goodbye to the good old days - forever. And don't hold up Welfare reform as an argument. It's the anomoly and can you say stimulus extentions to unemployment and food stamp increases?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

5+2+2 = 10%

AITOOW remembers that debate over what the minimum wage increases would do to unemployment numbers? I'm not saying that it's solely responsible for the unemployment rate, but, it's a factor.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Liquidated Inventory

AITOOW is thankful that young women now wait until they are old women before they look to settle down? It's far easier to reject them once the bloom is off the rose. A young man can really get snookered if a nubile woman sinks her teeth into him in his innocence. Thankfully their overreaching has pleasant consequences. You can trifle with them while they have appeal and rest assured they don't have the power into baiting you into a union when they decide it is what they desire.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Redistribute It

AITOOW finds it predictable that the strategy Big Brother employs in Iraq and Afghanistan is to make their populace similiarly dependent on them for subsistence? Their pay offs to our enemies are all the more funny because it meshes with their government-centric dogma. If welfare is unacceptable here, why is it acceptable there?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Pain in the Back

AITOOW wishes they would do away with the block in the back penalty? It makes kickoffs and punt returns superfluous.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Jay-ja Vu

AITOOW thinks that Jay Leno's paparazzi skit seems a bit similiar to Spike Feresten's Idiot Paparrazi?

Friday, October 9, 2009

Teaching Moment

AITOOW thinks they've got the Left's military strategy? It's back to small footprint. Before Gulf War 2 it was that we should commit as few troops as possible because interaction with the local populace caused acrimony. Then it was that we had too few troops to control the populace and win in Iraq. Then they opposed increased troop levels because of the aforementioned. They didn't reconcile the dichotomy. A surge was implimented and proved effective. Now they say the same thing about Afghanistan. The last administration was distracted by Iraq and didn't commit enough troops. However, with a fresh, observable real time experiment and logic staring them in the face, their solution remains the same - no adequate troop levels. They either prevaricate or don't know what they are doing or want to lose. Nice to see that governance is an entire teaching moment for these rubes.

And do I have to rant on what a meaningless award the Nobel is? Why don't they just let you buy one like they do at Good Housekeeping?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Off the Air America

AITOOW thinks liberal talk radio doesn't appeal to it's audience because it's too fact oriented? I heard a pundit say that it fails because Latinos and Blacks don't tune in. I think that leaves out a lot of the potential listeners. I think it's because the majority of their audience are "feelers" and not "thinkers" that a cognitive focused program doesn't appeal to them. That's why Orca and those estrogen rich shows trend to the left (ie Women). That audience wants too feel not think.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


AITOOW is confused? I thought the "civilian leadership (executive branch)" was amassing too much power under Bush? Now the libs want to "reclaim" it from the Pentagon. And if you have problems with "depatments" making their own decisions, why do you have over 40 Czar's?

Could you also throw the past admin a note of thanks for creating that weapon's shield chip that you just traded to Russia for their cooperation in Iran? I figure you just think it grew on a tree like money et al.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


AITOOW is confused by identical twins that evolve differently over time? You look at some of them and they hardly look related.

Friday, October 2, 2009

One For All

AITOOW who thinks the most selfish Americans would label themselves rich economic conservatives/social liberals and poor economic liberals/social liberals? And of the two, poor libs are the worst. They aren't even asking to do what they want with their bodies and money, they are taking money from somebody else.