Friday, September 30, 2011

PHD - Piled Higher and Deeper

AITOOW wonders if OBamacon is urging students to pursue higher education because he doesn't want them finding out what happens when they apply for a job? Not that they can apply for unemployment insurance in any case.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Back To The Futile

AITOOW wonders, if it is true that Republicans are so dumb, why Obamboozle is loosening the No Child Left Behind standards? He's just minting more opposition. I guess he thinks the law concerned promoting every student to the next grade regardless of test scores.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Seeing Double

AITOOW thinks the following are twins: Alex Rodriguez and Rihanna, Ryan Gosling and David Arquette, Billy Bush and Jeff Corwin (Animal Planet), KD Lang and Tobey Maguire and Jody Foster and Michael J Fox.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Opposite Of Bling

AITOOW wonders what is up with pitchers and those rope necklaces? Some have totems. Some have beads. They don't look good. They look like something a 5 year old or white Rasta wannabe would wear.

Monday, September 26, 2011


AITOOW is sick of people who do not have the courage to respond to your entreaties and just ignore your missives?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Intransitive Property

AITOOW hates it when sports talk show dips try and rate teams by the results of competitions between similar opponents? It has no useful application. Do you think a really good team gives as much effort against a cream puff? Or that the cream puff doesn't take the game twice as seriously? That means that, if the game were close, it is only because the better team sleep walked through the game. It doesn't mean they are close in talent. And it certainly doesn't mean that the mediocre team that took the cream puff seriously is nearly as good as the good team they are about to slaughtered by if the good team takes them seriously.

Friday, September 23, 2011


AITOOW hates that political correctness means that one less hot chick will be on every new remake?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Whoracle of Omaha

AITOOW who remembers when I told you that Warren "I Look Like I Ate The" Buffett only lent money to B of A because he had secret assurances from the gubment (Fed) that they would do something about toxic mortgages (Countrywide)? Well yesterday we had Ben Serve Bankies saying the Fed will buy toxic mortgages. Shocking! And then we hear that WB is going to host a fund raiser for BB's boss next month. I thought even the appearance of a quid pro quo was enough to imply a conflict of interest and should be avoided?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Glow Ball Initiative

AITOOW thinks Slick Willy's Jobs Initiative requires someone in the private sector discovering something as meaningful to the economy as the Internet? That or something involving the terms - hand or blow.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Snow Job

AITOOW notices that OBlah Blah's commercial drawn from his latest jobs speech states that "folks are living paycheck to paycheck"? Pardon me, but, if you have a paycheck don't you have a job by definition? Does his solution to unemployment require you to have a job before he can he steps in? Similar to his home mortgage solution.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Artiface Is Job 1

AITOOW would prefer that government try to get people careers instead of jobs? What good is a construction job a year from now? It will be back to same problem and we have to pay for the materials for a bridge that we can't afford. At least welfare (err unemployment checks) stops the bleeding at salaries. "Salaries" that I'm sure are paid at levels less than these jobs would pay. I can't believe I'm saying it, but, welfare may be preferable to OBrahmin's shovel ready jobs plan part deux.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Relativitly Speaking

AITOOW wonders how such a boring life can be going by so quickly?

Saturday, September 17, 2011

What If The Border Was A Picket Line?

AITOOW wonders why illegal immigration is never cited as a cause of the supposed wage disparity of the last decades? Or for unemployment? It would seem to me that if we deducted 40 million from the supply side, we would have a surplus of job openings and employers who would have to pay more than they do now just to have a warm body. And don't tell me they would be jobs no American would do. They wouldn't do it for minimum wage. They would do it for some price. Some price the employer would have to pay or do it himself. And we all know employers are those who don't want to do the work themselves. That is why they employ in the first place.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Black Rice

AITOOW thinks the Glen Rice revelation just did more damage to Sarah Palin's future than a hundred Katie Couric interviews?

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Now Back To Your Original Program

AITOOW would like to thank CBS for being the only network to show the proper amount of respect for 9/11 by showing that wonderful documentary tonight. I guess a pointless foozball game, cartoons and home improvement shows mean more to the other networks than the largest tragedy of this century. Too bad it wasn't a tropical storm or car chase. Then we would have had wall to wall coverage.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Stake Me, I'm Hot

AITOOW wasn't surprised that the Presi-dunce's plan to create jobs starts with the government spending money it doesn't have?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Burning Bush

AITOOW who wonders if Obambi is trying to cut troop levels in Iraq so radically that it disintegrates and he can recycle anti-Bush (Republicans = war) sentiment as political fodder for '12? Or as a distraction from the econimy. Or his shitty jump shot and golf swing.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Beep You

AITOOW wants to kill the guy who invented the beep beep beep system for vehicles that are in reverse? And can't we get a silencer for leafblowers?

Monday, September 5, 2011


AITOOW thinks it's curious that people's prejudices seems to disappear as their beauty disappears?