Monday, August 25, 2014

Duty Of Care

AITOOW is frustrated with people who don't know the difference between accidents and carelessness?

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Talk To The Phone

AITOOW has noticed that pretending you are doing something on your smartphone is the new way of saying leave me alone?

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Reality Blights

AITOOW thinks it's funny that woman want you listen and "understand" them ad nauseum and then flip out if you find out a secret or something embarrassing about them? I guess they just want us to think of them as the person they want to be not the person they are.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Hammer Time

AITOOW doesn't understand how low income areas get so dilapidated? The residents have nothing but free time on their hands. Pick up a broom.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Competent Management

AITOOW wonders why the same people who resist totalitarianism can't wait to get to Heaven? They are always descrying the cause of freedom and choice, yet, their idea of utopia is a place where everything is managed for them. Is it just a matter of proper management that they really require?

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Black Beauty

AITOOW wonders if when black women say "you are a beautiful black woman" they are subconsciously acknowledging that they are not as beautiful as other races?

Friday, August 8, 2014

No News Is Bad News

AITOOW wonders whether the "advisers" and extra security personnel sent into Iraq were granted immunity from prosecution by the Iraqi government? The reason why there were no troops there in the first place. And why has no talking head spoken of this. Do they just forget or are they managing the news?

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Garbage In Garbage Out

AITOOW thinks it's funny watching people who have handed down poor genetics to their kids obsess over their pregnancies and providing them with the finest supplements after birth? How about you just don't start by making that first mistake? Darwin anyone?

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Elections Have Consequences

AITOOW remembers that most of those "innocent civilians" in Gaza voted in free, democratic elections for Hamas to represent them?

Monday, August 4, 2014

The Price of Air

AITOOW thinks companies should be required to fill their containers to the top? It's a subtle fraud and it wastes resources and creates excess waste. It probably increases pollution, wastes fuel and increase traffic too (fit less items in a container/transportation vehicle).

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Art For Attention's Sake

AITOOW can't understand why the arts are in such a pitiful state when they seem to be the only thing people are interested in any more? All people do is dance, sing or take videos of themselves. You would think this would be the golden age of art. It's just attention seeking so far.

Participation Award

AITOOW thinks it's funny that black people won't take credit for things they do do (like crime - "Wasn't me") while they take credit for (as a group) anything laudatory one of them "do" (which is usually just being the first black version of something every other race has has already been).

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Negligable Cost Allocated to Athletes

AITOOW doesn't understand how colleges count scholarships as a cost? All they do is pack in a few more students into a class (fixed cost). Nearly the same with room and board. They are totally disingenuous when they descry how much athlete "compensation" costs them.

Friday, August 1, 2014

La Raza

AITOOW wonders why no one is worried about what future these unchaperoned children from Latin America are destined for even if they are allowed to stay in America? I'm guessing crime for the boys and prostitution for the girls. Is this really a humane alternative? Becoming an exploited class in a free land is not really progress.


AITOOW who doesn't understand why Seth Myers is still (or ever was) on TV? It can only be explained by the disconnect NY media executives have with the rest of society. He's them. Weasel faced, elitist, liberal, self-absorbed and satisfied Millenials. He often brags about being the head writer at SNL. And he's proud of that. SNL, maybe, has two sketches that are passable each week (8 in total?). He has the audacity to believe that he was pitched things that couldn't satisfy him. What exactly was he saving us from? And if he was, then who does the hiring? His talk show has no interesting recurring bits. They are a nerds collection of Venn diagrams and New Yorker captions. Is this the Dick Cavett show?  He's a horrible interviewer. He's embarrassingly (hyper-Fallony) obsequious. He's smarmy and dismissive and self important about the rest of America. Why the pass on organ grinder monkeys? His hair (what's left of it) is Ed Grimly-like. His eyes are baggy. His run and stop onto his desk platform is gay. His bits with Fred Armison (a usually absent crutch/draw) are forced. His pleas of not being Jewish are transparent (don't reject me Middle America) and not believable. His band is weak and they have no rapport with him. The show is just unwatchable. I'd be happy that he was off SNL if they didn't replace him with an even more Millenial douche and a lipless hag. The skits weren't any better with him gone. I just don't understand what NBC is thinking. Even Fallon is nothing without Higgins. He's the only person with any comedic instincts at the network.

I forgot to mention his insufferable and self absorbed/socially unaware stories about his gay dog, bland family and cuckolding wife.