Monday, April 26, 2021

Map Trap

AITOOW wonders why google maps doesn't work with their own browswer? It always locks up.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

So Corny

AITOOW wonders if anyone has marketed a "Maize" maze?

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Universal Protection

AITOOW thinks masks are the new crystals/copper wrist bands? Useless panaceas.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Morally Fluid

AITOOW thinks you must be morally/ethically adrift for guilt to be effective on you? If you have a sysem of values, you have a retort. This moral "fluidity" is why so many are vulnerable to the Left and their manipulation.

Thursday, April 22, 2021


AITOOW wonders why it's gender fluid and not vagina fluid?

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Under Cover

AITOOW noticed that Google won't tell you if a politician is a Democrat? Or tries its best to hide it. I assume it is to shield them because you are probably trying to find out why they are so inept or corrupt. Kind of like how they (all media) only mention a suspect if they are white "supremists".

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Not Keeping Up with The Jones

AITOOW thinks if analysts (especially of another race) criticized Mac Jones as much as the are currently doing that the opposite race would be crying racism? It is pathetic how every black sports analyst is so down for the cause. They always choose the black player over the white one. And no one ever calls them out on it. This time they are doing it because he is now predicted to go before two black QBs. This really shows what kind of people they are. I would also like to request a boycott of Denver (at least the All Star Game) and MLB and any other institutions benefitting from Georgia boycotts. I just heard that Will Smith is moving his movie. Let's not watch it when it comes out. As if you needed another reason. *Is Jamal Murray injury karma for Denver already?

Monday, April 12, 2021

Cherry Vanilla Woke?

AITOOW wonders if Woke's new commercial for cheery vanilla coke was pitched as non-binary? Did some ad (indentifies as) man think up some analgous entities that are half (identifies as) person and half (identifies as) mythical creature as the soda is half cherry and half vanilla (but really also part cola so the analogy is wrong). This would be how we would have dissected the theme just a few years ago. Or is this a surreptitious fluidity statement? And isn't amazing that we are at a place in history where people can't even answer the simplest of questions such as what sex they are? They can't answer that, yet, I am expected to understand why they can't. Seems like more is expected of me than them. Is that fair?

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Skriek Fighter

AITOOW is sick of hearing (mostly from them) how all these people "fought" for x, y or z? It is usually just protesting or cajoling/whining. They are soooooooo impressed with themselves. For doing next to nothing. The reality is (throughout history), men are the only ones who have actually "fought" for anything. Who gave their body and soul and lives. And these posers usually benefitted from their sacrifice. That is if they were on the winning mens' side. So lets stop with backsalpping. It reminds me of how athletes used to co-opt the same terminology. It's not only inaccurate, it's in poor taste.

Saturday, April 10, 2021


AITOOW thinks new media makes it impossible for people (who used to feign concern over the excessive force used to keep them safe) to pay lip service to it any longer? These people are mostly women. Who want the dirty work to be done, but, don't want to admit that the do. Whereas they used to be able to block out the reality of fighting force with force and pretend they were so appalled by it, now it's pushed in their face ever moment of every day. This has moved their votes to the left as their guilt manifests itself. They can't handle the truth as a movie character once said.

Friday, April 9, 2021

Dr Fauxchimp

AITOOW wonders what Fauci and company are hiding? Have been hiding. The edicts they hand down don't seem to be comensurate with the dangers they prepare us for. Either the danger is greater or the edicts are disproportionate. And I wonder why that would be. Is it just an ego trip? Is he a sadist? Is he doubling down to cover his original sin/malpratice? Are the vaccines bullshit? Is he being bribed by big pharma? Is he part of worlwide socialism inc trying to implode the western world? It just doesn't add up. I get that he paniced in the beginning and then covered his own ass and then tried to usher in a new president, but, I don't see what his endgame is now. Maybe we need to circle back to the worlwide socialism thread? Maybe he is just a useful/convenient idiot/puppet/collaborator?

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Border Jumper

AITOOW thinks it is fairly obvious that the reason they took Kamal Toe off the border issue (heading it) is that it would have hurt her image? It's chaos and a no win situation. I wonder if Biden (like the blind ranch owner in Once Upon A Time in America) was trying to get rid of her and his handlers nixed it. Of course he didn't have the energy to fight it.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Under The C

AITOOWthinks Jen Psaki Bukkake has shark eyes? And speaking of fish, doesn't that Anya Taylor whatever look like a catfish? Odd that I seem to be attracted to a catfish. Do Japanese people laugh at the last name? Pee sake. Probably not. I doubt pee is the same in Japanese.