Sunday, December 31, 2017

Playing Kvetch

AITOOW who thinks that women want you to "just listen" to their problems because if you solved their problems they couldn't bitch about them anymore. And that's what it is all about - making them feel important (attention) and allowing them to be disagreeable without censure or scorn..

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Grinding Your Roots

AITOOW wonders why Black or Blackman isn't the most common name for American black people? Did they think it was too generic? Isn't it better than taking the name of your oppressor or the people that created the nation that allowed the oppression?

Friday, December 29, 2017

All Warm Inside

AITOOW wonders why we (those who won't be flooded) are fighting global warming? We need more water and land for a rising population. Doesn't warming provide both of those? Plus the land can be farmed. That means more food. It might leads to natural resource discoveries. And most of the "new" land will be controlled by Caucasians. Has anyone even calculated the net land gain/loss? Or are we going to be directed by a few Pacific Islanders and a swamp in Italy and the Netherlands?

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Macro Aggresion

AITOOW wonders if the liberal storm troopers (young) will eventually turn on their creators?  Is that the cost of revolution? They remind me of a well trained bird dog. Taught to flush out prey. Insensible to anything but his master's whistle. Craving attention and positive reinforcement. Devoid of any real relationships other than their master's. But, these aren't dumb beasts. They are cunning and their masters have also taught (directly or indirectly) them how to be manipulative to the extreme. How long will it be before they want the whistle. And what happens when they all want it? Do they turn on each other? Is the end game chaos? Is this what "progressives" want? A collapse of social order. Anarchy. Through chaos comes order. An authoritarian order of the State? Now that I read my own words, it sounds vaguely familiar. I just hope they have trans-gender bathrooms this time around.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The Tao of Pooh Pooh

AITOOW thinks Tao nightclubs are a joke? The are the Applebees of clubs.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Circular Logic

AITOOW realizes that "circus" comes from "circle"? I never understood the Picadilly Circus. More questionable English english. As a kid, I thought there once must have been a circus there in olden days. Same with the Circus Maximus. I thought it had been a big circus pavilion. And I'm guessing a circus is a circus because of the shape of the performing areas. Odd. There are so many other things they could have named it after (place where dozens of  ghost faced demons exit an automobile) that they chose the "stage" as the most evocative. Love those etymologies. Just realized "diocese" must have something to do with "dio" (ie God) as well.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Research Engine

AITOOW wonders if there is a worldwide compendium of research projects/studies that one can search BEFORE they begin one? It should be like a marital registry. You check off the item when you "buy" it. I seem to be hearing about findings from studies that I swear I've heard of before. I know these studies are more about "employing" intellectuals than improving the human condition, but, it would be nice to have some oversight. And perhaps it could save the few legitimate truth seekers from duplicating work. If academia won't do it then smart philanthropists should or demand that it be done. Our species can hardly afford to waste the money or the time.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

A Jew to a Kill

AITOOW wonders why the term "Christ killers" is a bad thing? It should be a good thing or at least a push. Wasn't Christ's dying why he was placed on Earth to begin with? Wasn't it the requirement for the cleansing of our sins? If the Jews (it was the Romans/Italians who put him on the cross but let's ignore that fact) "killed" him, shouldn't we have been thanking them this whole time? No Jews, no crucifixion, no happy ending.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

A Case of the GPS

AITOOW wonders if it isn't just a-holes checking their Facebook updates or texts that is responsible for all the ridiculousness we encounter on the roads? Is GPS a major contributor? Are people driving without knowing (visualizing the route) where they are going? Is this why there are so many last minute lane changes. etc. Is this why cars are creeping along timidly (like they are waiting for a change in direction)? Is the fact that GPS's are often wrong a reason for suspect actions on the road?

Friday, December 22, 2017

One For The Road

AITOOW thinks it's odd that they won't let you drink alcohol in a car but you can drink it in places that you have to take your car to? If you drink and then get in the car won't the alcohol have been in your blood stream longer and make you more dangerous? If you start drinking in the car, you may still be sober when you get to your destination.