Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Title IX

AITOOW is tired of the white bigotry couched as sensitivity that judges black skinned Americans by a different standard (as if the are less capable). The College Sports Council just issued a report that found that all but 2 black colleges did not meet the proportionality standards mandated by federal law. That is not the real outrage. The outrage is that Eric Pearson (the council chairman), felt the need to exonerate the colleges and show his opinion of black people by stating "We're not asking for punishment: we're pointing out how hard it is for HBCUs to comply with proportionality". The implication is two fold. 1. I'm so scared of being called a racist that I can't criticize let alone invoke the prescribed punishment on a person of darker pigment. 2. These people must be given special treatment because they are less capable than everyone else.


Eric McErlain said...

That's not what Pearson is saying at all. What he is saying is that because of Title IX's strict proportionality standard, and the continued gender disparity in enrollment, it is practically impossible for these schools to be ever be in compliance with Title IX.

What we have here is a negative feedback loop: Teams are cut, driving down male enrollment and thereby exacerbating the gender disparity. As long as strict proportionality reigns supreme, HBCUs will be stuck in the same trap.

Take a look at the numbers yourself.

White Devil said...

Like that argument couldn't be used for mixed colleges. It actually was and was laughed at. any declines were attributed to other factors or dismissed. Males are a declining percent of enrollment all across the nation. While I hardly believe it's in any great measure because of lack of athletic opportunities caused by Title IX, the argument that in black colleges it is, is either true, sad and augmentable by replacing these athletes with scholars or it's untrue and racist on its face. I'm not saying it's not true. I'm saying that he's saying it's OK when it happens at a black school and not a mixed. The inference is that blacks are unable to meet the same standards as anybody else. Like all remedial measures to accelerate black achievement, it perpetuates the belief that blacks are inferior and is more of an obstacle to equality than it is an aid. I'm sure he's not an iternerant racist. Just another liberal poseur parroting the company line without questioning it. I actually have a question for him if you know him so well. Why should (black) women athletes suffer at black colleges and not other races of women at mixed colleges? Does he like women of other races more? Because by not punishing the black schools he can't get equality for women (and that was the reason for Title IX and its deterrent based approach). So if he's not a de facto racist is he a sexist. And if he is a sexist towards black women only - isn't he back to being a racist and a sexist. See what happens when you treat people inequitably. Someones feelings always get hurt. Notice I haven't even mentioned his sexism against males by supporting Title IX to begin with. BTW Thanks for the comment. I didn't ever think someone would find my blog.