Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Rhona Mitra

AITOOW wonders if Rhona Mitra (now playing in the horrendously awful Doomsday and most famous for her nude scene in Hollowman in which her fake tits did the acting) and Kate Beckinsale have the same plastic surgeon. I wonder how trollish they were before. Now they are just Frankenstien's when caught in the wrong light. It's sad to see how her nose job, face tuck and chin implant are causing the lines around her mouth to crease into gargantuan channels. Her boobs implants are also sitting like little rocks in her now deflated yet simultaneously gelataneous chest. One thing still is youthful - her acne. I wonder if it is caused by some hormone supplement or crystal meth? That could explain her slim physique. The Pricilla Pressely Club is now open. Oddly they both look kind of like Minnie Driver who: is notoriously uncomfortable with her looks, is not considered hot, was lampooned on Family Guy and has not had any plastic surgery that I'm aware of. Live by the scalpel. Die by the scalpel.

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