Monday, August 18, 2008

Peking at the Right Time

AITOOW who has observed the following concerning the Olympics:

The Thin Beast is James Carville
Dana Torres is the whitest hispanic ever and she should be refered to as The Silver Fox
Michael Phelps proves poor grill work is hereditary and causes a speech imepediment
Shawn Johnson looks like a rabbit
Chinese gymnasts get home cooking
Sacramone fell off the beam because her huge cans can not be controlled
Chris Bosh is Jar Jar Binks
Bolt will become a cocky dick (if not already). Let's grandstand after the race.
Track athletes need to learn about aerodynamics. They're hauling around 2 lbs of weave.
The new swim suits really take half the fun out of watching women's swimming
All the tall chinese people live in China
NBC has some how cured pock marks. I've seen Collinsworth and Costas in public and they have craters
Katie Hoff is soft (love that deer in the headlights look).
Our divers are fat
Women swimmers have zero muscle tone
Cyclists have tiny wieners (I tried not to look)
16 is the new 12 in Chinese gymnastics

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