Monday, June 15, 2009


AITOOW finds it telling that American journalists are using a few clips of unrest in Tehran as unequivical proof that Im A Nut Job stole the election. Not only does this evidence conform to their desires it is additonally circumspect because it is only from one locale. Tehran may be the SF of Iran. I don't know. But, it's comforting to know that they pull the same crap overseas as they do here. Slothy effort and biased reporting is no recipe for respect. It's like when they report a couple of hundred war protesters in Jew Nork as what Americans think of the war. It's just sad. They're also wondering why results were announced before all the votes were counted. You assholes predict a winner with less than 10% of polls reported. Now I don't want the bearded lady to remain in power, but let's show our work before we give an answer. I'm really not sure you put much more effort than I do. And I put in next to none.

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