Thursday, April 29, 2010

More Derivative Than Twilight

AITOOW wonders at what price did Goldman sell the contracts for the Paulson Poop? If it was very cheap then maybe they created a product that screwed both parties. Paulson paid too much. The counter parties got stuck with crap. Or maybe they both benefited at different junctures? Or maybe the reverse was true. Or maybe the counter parties wanted a tax loss. Or they were using it as a hedge against a short position. Depends on how you look at it. Either they bamboozled both sides or neither. I'm not sure if they met the disclosure requirements, but if they did, then is this even ethically (whatever that means) questionable. Shouldn't the disclosure question be the only issue? And why can a numbskull like me be expected to be expert (caveat emptor) enough to receive no protections against deceptions on almost every transaction save real estate and a financial professional can not be expected to be competent to judge the one area of which he professes to have an ability?

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