Sunday, November 13, 2011

Joe Pa-thetic

AITOOW unequivocally rejects this pathologically self serving old man's son's contention that "we love you". I do not. I don't even like you. At best, you routinely put your own interests ahead of what was best for your school. You held onto power with a steel like intransigence when it was clear the game had past you by. At worst, you protected a child molester. And some where in between you looked the other way when action was morally warranted. I don't believe in religion, but, a man who professes to should have been motivated by fear of final judgement. It's a moral imperative. And even an atheist like myself believes in ethics. As a humanist, you had an ethical obligation to protect those children (not just squeal). You definetly had the clout to stop this. The law may be less ethically demanding than that, but, it just shows what kind of man you are. You part of that old school breed of egoists that believes that anything goes as long as it doesn't interfere with your legacy. A man willing to do the minimum he is expected to do. The "keep your nose clean" and "don't involve yourself in things that don't concern you" selfishness that describes an entire generation of people that only cares about itself. Hopefully, expectations have changed and the bare minimal awareness of your fellow creatures will fade away with your myopia. Not only do I not 'love you, I'm scared at the emotional and financial cost people like you will continue to inflict on this country as you soak it to support your retirement years. Not to mention the scores of evil deeds you walked right past or caused. Good riddance. I can't wait to read your obituary. You are a weight on the collective consciousness. It's karma that the flaws in your character created the stage for your infamy. I'm just sad that it took something like this to reveal them to the rest of the world.

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