Friday, April 20, 2012


AITOOW thinks the one thing the Trayvon incident teaches us is that blacks are more obsessed with ego than death? The only reason they are outraged is that a non-black emasculated the race by killing one of their own. If the "death" aspect of the incident was the worst aspect to them then every death would meet with this kind of outrage. But, they aren't appalled by the crime or even that the victim had the same skin color. If they were loyal "race" obsessives, every black on black crime would have a parade (err protest). No. What they care about is an affront to their ego from a non-black to their paper thin black pride. They just can't handle that the perpetrator wasn't black. It re-enforces feelings of inferiority and powerlessness. Which are paramount to an adolescent consciousness.

BTW - how tiny is Zimmerman?

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