Tuesday, June 19, 2012


AITOOW finds fault with the following ads?

1. The McDonald's ad where they show a black guy lying about his housing situation. I do have to applaud them for showing a minority in uncomplimentary role (maybe we are post-racial), but, they seem to suggest that it is perfectly alright to lie to avoid embarrassment. Nice ethics.

2. The Apple ad where they trot out a host of inventors whose parts are in the IPhone. Some of these things were made long before the IPhone and some are devices that were simultaneously created by other companies at a similar juncture. The best is the inclusion of such ridiculous "inventions" as the Scrabble clone and Instagram (we put a polaroid border around your pic!). Nice attempt at co-opting innovation. What do you expect from a company that never made a unique contribution to the industry (see Xerox Parc Lab, Rio, etc).

3. The Subway commercial where the "chief" steals the fireman's sub. Again, nice to see that we can again make the black guy the malefactor, just surprising anyone has the guts to. I especially hate the girl who looks at him like he is an idiot for not confronting the thief. He's the boss! White men can't scream "hostile work environment" like you can, quota filler. I don't see you confronting him.

4. The ad in which some wrinkled old crone says Romney made her sick. If. If. You lost your job because of him it was probably inevitable. Strong companies aren't gutted for parts. You would have lost your job anyway. And you say you are 60. You would be retiring soon anyway. Millions of Americans have to pay for their own health care. Their work doesn't subsidize them. You should be happy you had the care you had for as long as you did. If you are sick, it is because you are old. That is what happens to old people. Nobody prevented you from using Cobra and finding your own insurance. If you chose not to buy it or it was too expensivee, that is your or maybe the insurance companies problem. In any event, it is a total stretch to say Romney made you sick. Grow up. 

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