Friday, September 21, 2012

Bird Brains

AITOOW thinks it's funny that Twitter's big strategy is to allow you to add photos and video? Hmm. Seems like I've heard of a business that lets you do that already. A (piece of) copy (FB) of a copy (My Space) of a copy (Friendster). Imaginative. I also think it's funny that they think they have done something bold (social revolution) by existing. This medium will be co-opted by the powers that be sooner than later and devolve into the same paradigm. The current CEO seemed unsure (perhaps hiding his cards) how big business (why does it always come down to that?) would adapt to his medium. Stage 1 (already happening): taste makers will be paid to tweet a testimonial. Stage 2 (may be happening): companies will stage events for the sole purpose of encouraging people to tweet about them. Can't wait until this devolves into riots and war initiated by big biz.

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