Thursday, October 4, 2012

Baker's Dozen

AITOOW thinks a guy named Mitt should have been better at hitting the hanging breaking balls Obambino was tossing out last night? Now maybe his handlers told him he would come off as unlikeable if he launched these meatballs into outerspace, but, I would have swung away. Here are some pitches I would swing away at at the next debate if repeated: 1. When he invokes his "economic advisors" for validity - retort that you don't need to rely on others to explain financial matters to you. You understand the concepts because you understand economics. 2. When he slams the Bush tax cuts - keep asking why did you extend them and remind people that Slick Willy left office in a recession and a dotcom implosion. Then thank Bush (and get points for your Congressional running mates) and the Republicans in Congress for passing the bill. Then remind people about how 9/11 slowed the economy and Democrats and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac sunk the economy not the Republicans. Start by saying "I'm not going to insult the American people by lying to them. I'm not going to insult them by speaking as if they can't understand". 3. When he champions the jobs he created - remind people the Bush created more jobs (with no stimulus for union employees and governmental expansion) than he has. Also explain how they are getting their numbers (using every trick in the book, counting jobs saved and estimates ). 4. When talking about grid lock - keep harping on your time in Mass and contrast it with his demeanour as a despot. Say I would do this because in America we have a separation of powers and I don't think I'm the King like you do (can interject executive orders and Obamacare legislative maneuverings and vote buying here). 5. When he goes off on student loans - respond that what good is it to give a child an education if they don't have a job in which they can use what they learn. Explain to young people that the debt and entitlements (including their own) eventually will fall to them. 6. When he looks weary - ask him if he needs a break because he looks spent. 7. If he muddles his answers again - say "I expected an attorney to be better at cross examination or summation. 8. When he talks about his Jobs Act or education or the auto bailout - explain that it only inures to union supporters. Ask him if he loves us all why he only seems concerned with them (recall the stimulus). Explain that Ford didn't take money and Chrysler (a hedge fund holding) was bought by a foreign company (Fiat) 9. When he talks about bank bailouts - ask him why it was the Republicans in Congress that initially vetoed in because they were worried about Main St. 10. When he talks about having patience for his agenda - ask why four years isn't enough. Ask him what he thinks he will accomplish in a historically lame duck second term. 11. If he talks about jet plane deductions - ask him if he means the ones like Air force One that he used more than another President to take date nights, to campaign, to fund raise and to take vacations. 12. Remind people how his clean energy policies and oil pipeline veto raised energy prices (a tax) and the lower dollar decreases our comparative wealth in the world (how even the stock market gains are negated due to lower NPV). 13. When he derides you for being unspecific - ask if he means something like Hope and Change?

Finally, ask him why he thinks throwing money at problems is an acceptable philosophy (maybe cite how much per student we already spend), ask him if there is a lower class and why he never references them or by saying middle class does he really means them (because his policies seem aimed at them - food stamps, unemployment, paying off minority legal claims, training programs, etc., play up your missionary work, contrast your charitable giving, remind people that patronage does not start and end with strangers earmarking your money, explain how your personality/experience is more conducive to consensus building, explain that he may be better working outside the system (use his quote) to accomplish his goals and say you will lower your salary and take $1 a year (or donate the remainder to charity - probably PBS because you botched that).

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