Saturday, July 27, 2013


AITOOW thinks that the Christian thing to do was to report Hernandez to the Gainesville police when he saw him in a bar and knew he shouldn't have been? You are supposed to turn a cheek not a blind eye. And it was wrong to interfere in the altercation. Especially wrong since the motivation was to keep a player he could profit from eligible. Not keep the peace. Also wrong. Not reporting the incident to anyone after it happened. I'm not saying my ethics compel such behavior. But, he chose the path he is on. And is the usual hypocrite about it. You don't even get that bringing this stupid incident up shows poorly on you. You think it made you look paternal/mature/concerned.

* A Bowsee (sic) was a retard in my neighborhood. It was an acronym for some program/school the went to.

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