Wednesday, October 18, 2017


AITOOW sick of reading/hearing diagnosis of liberal policies that contemplate the (liberal's) stated objectives? That is never REALLY what (or how) they intended to accomplish. It was just the lie they sold in place of the truth. Take the Iran nuclear deal. It was never about keeping/delaying them from having nukes. It was part of a generalized philosophical belief (held by liberals) that if we "include" an "outsider" in our "village", they will eventually not want to harm it. They will grow accustomed to the joys of communal living and not wish to live without it. If we bring Iran back into the consortium of nations, they will not act out like a rebellious teenager. It's the ultimate liberal/outcast obsession masquerading as policy. Iran is just like; a trans child, a homosexual, a hippie, etc. He/She just needs to be accepted. It's the fairy tale dream they all still cling to despite their vitriol. Unfortunately, it is as naive as it is pathetic. It precludes the possibility that people (at least some) are either born without utility (bad) or become so. And maybe they shouldn't be allowed to procure the means to become a nuisance. And it ignores the fact that they themselves chose to leave a community (that made demands on them that they didn't like) despite it's many benefits.

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