Monday, September 10, 2018

Timing is Nothing

AITOOW thinks the NY Times op-ed is a pathetic attempt to sow dissension in the Trump administration? Another example of their own delusional self-regard? I'll bet we find out that this "deep throat" is Omarosa or some other vindictive, small minded peon. An aide to Tillerson or Priebus or Bannon. Maybe Matteus or the FBI director. The Mooch? If it wasn't so juvenile it would be funny. This is a reality show! And I often wonder how long it will take liberals to realize that the Mueller investigation is a distraction that has kept them from action. Talk about easily distracted. Lastly, did I hear Jim Carey correctly on Jimmy Kimmel? I think he said something about invoking his inner John Wilkes Booth. Wonder in what context he meant that? Probably in the "polite" Canadian way we are always hearing about them (usually from them). I think some other nobody has picked up on it. It was a side graphic on TMZ today (I think - just surfing through). Can we give the source of this inspiration (if it becomes one) to the right person. Like when Hillary Clinton coined the phrase "fake news" a few days before Trump stole it.

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