Friday, March 29, 2019

Smoll Time Crimes

AITOOW would like to see the musical Chicago 2? It would center around a staged hate crime and ends with liberal invention to protect one of the tools in their tool box. Not the antagonist. The tool in question is hate crimes. The integrity of that claim must be preserved. So, this crime must be exorcised as quickly as possible because it is controverting the narrative. A subplot can be how the public is led to believe that the motivation was money and fame. The real reason is that this was a purposeful con job meant to foment bad press against MAGA country after earlier attempts fell flat. There should also be a Greek chorus that derides the antagonist for doing this for money and fame when we all know that it is only appropriate to commit these frauds for votes. And of course it ends with the charges being dismissed by a corrupt party prosecutor under a duplicitous police chief pretending to be outraged and a corrupt outgoing mayor who is connected to the wife of liberal ex-president whom he used to work for.

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