Friday, June 19, 2020


AITOOW thinks racist black athletes are trying to get their white coaches fired so that more brothers get jobs? Just like in media. That and payback for being given structure that their broken homes never gave them. I wonder what the break down between no father at all and ex-con Nation of Islam fathers raised these spoiled brats. That or agitator girlfriends ala Colin Kaepernick. Most of them weren't even good enough to get into the school of their choice. I would pull their scholarship and make them play at a worse school. There are only so many slots. Eventually they/some would have to play for your school anyway. Probably the same star rating too. I would let all these other schools hire black coaches who demand no discipline and are inferior coaches and watch them all become the U. Great talent. Poor winning percentage. Or be like Pac 12 schools and recruit Samoans.

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