Friday, May 9, 2008

Baby Ma Ma

AITOOW thinks there is nothing as disagreeable as a black woman (or female as they call them - they are obviously livestock of some sort). They are often fat, ugly, pubic headed, ashy, loud, uneducated, uncultured, rude, vulgar, diseased, opininated, violent, and hypersensitive. Let me give you two anecdotes that illustrates their extraneousness. At least black men (allegedly) have a big dong. I can't see any exentuating feature that would make a black woman desirable (I mean they do whoop it up in bed. But, that's actually more annoying than titilating). #1 - At the Post Office. I'm trying to find out how rates are charged. She says "I just punch in the numbers and the computer gives a price". I calmly ask "Why is it double what I paid last week. Is it something you did? Or is the pricing system designed to increase prices precipitously based on incremental differences (I didn't use those words)?" She says (now with attitude and a look that says she is 100% certain) "Neither". I say "Well it has to be one or the other?" She says (with not a hint of doubt) "It's neither". The problems are that she acted like I couldn't tear her head off I wanted to and that she was smarter than me. I guess if you are dumb enough to work in a post office, you are dumb enough not to know you are dumb. #2. Black girl (or is it biatch) on the radio says "This country is racist because I get passed over for promotions because I'm black". Is it that (suprisingly the answer that require the least refection) or could it be that; no one respects your college admission because it was sponsored by affirmitive action, you got special treatment to get the degree, everyone else has the same degree (with a better GPA or harder majors) and let's say - a GOOD personality or more years on the job or better connections, will work for less, will work longer, will bang the boss. You are not exactly an objective jury when you evaluate yourself. Yet, she could not have been more sure. See what happens when you baby a baby all the way through to adulthood. The real world smacks them in the head. There's no more principal to run to. Someone really needs to explain how worthless a degree is by itself and how impotent academics are in the real world. It's actually sad that people in that situation don't really know that the finish line is not a degree or that there mentors are ridiculed. From where they start from it must seem like alot of effort just to get to the starting line only to find out it is just the starting line (maybe that's why they mislead them. They wouldn't try if the knew the effort required). The point is she was to stupid to know she was wrong and to arrogant/lazy to objectively assess the situation.

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