Thursday, May 29, 2008

Bangers and Trash

AITOOW doesn't understand why we are subjected to British tarts when we have more than enough home grown tarts to choose from. I'm speaking (of course) of talent show hostesses. So You Think You Can Dance or Last Comic Standing for instance. Just because the producer's want to bang these annoying birds doesn't mean I want wont a ere em on the tele. They aren't even hot by new world standards. They have bad hair, bad fashion, bad skin yet suprisingly not bad teeth. This is America. I want an American. It's bad enough I have to hear Antonio Banderas say "conyesyon" as a bumble bee on that commercial for whatever medicine that is probably making his penis limp. And it's Los Angeless not Angeleez (you sleeze). When you are in our country say iy like we say it. And while you're at it, stop Anglicizing any foreign words (like you're too superior to be bothered with the indiginous way of prouncing them). Here's a tip. Your day in the sun has set. You are now the uncouth, penniless relations. Although, for the life of me (meeting all you toothless, skin headed, sandal wearing clods and reading of excerable characters in English literature) I can't ever find a time when you had any of the sophistication you think you had. Your art sucks. Your food sucks. Your music sucks. You have no style. Why is it that you feel you are our betters?

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