Sunday, July 20, 2008

Great White Choke

AITOOW saw this kick to the crotch coming? Greg Norman really makes one believe that the Faustian bargain can be struck. However, in his case it's financial achievement at the expense of tournament success. How cruel it is for fate to draw him back onto the global radar only to remind us of the choker he was and apparently still is. Is this celestial justice for crimes we know not of or someones idea of sadistic amusement? Those three days of adulation and noteriety awakening the collective consciousness to what a choker you are - of how badly you handle pressure. Sure you will go back to your wine, clothing, real estate empires. But, like a bad re-make of Ground Hog's Day, you will have to disappear from the links for another ten years to make us start to forget your legacy - lost titles. I know the Polyannas will make alot of his "accomplishment" in just being in the conversation at his age and preparedness. However, unlike Rocco Mediate, this story is a sequel and unfortunately for the Shark it reminds us all of something unfortunate - your past.

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