Thursday, July 10, 2008

Scalpel Please

AITOOW would prefer that they cut out DJ Jessie Jackson's tongue instead of Robot Obama's balls? Will his Rainbow Coalition (or whatever it goes by) picket his offices and demand his resignation and sensitivity training? Will he escape this with a teary mea culpa accepted ad hoc by the liberal media? What does his bastard child think? You remember the one from the affair he was forced to own up to a few years back. He wonders, jealously, why people support Robot and not him. It's because his brand of mau mauing the flak catchers is so slippery obvious. Robot knows the new moves (based on subtlety and earnestness not guilt and sophistry). Jessie is still doing the funky chicken. Aside from the fact that his actions over the last thirty years have left him with the reputation as a self-serving opportunist gaming the race issue for his own gain.

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