Thursday, October 2, 2008

I Keep Having a Dream

AITOOW has seen Spite Lee's latest train wreck? God I hope so. It's beyond torture to have to sit in his imaginary world where black people have the upper hand and are no less despotic than the supposed white devils that he derides. Is he so practically impotent (because of physically diminutive frame and racial obscurity) that he has to conceive these alternate universes? I hope he realizes it is only in his movies that his "heros" get the girl, beat the villian, etc. Was he raised on Shaft? And how obsessed is he with white women and white women's breasts particularly. Talk about a test subject. Talk about gratuity. Beyond all the racially wish fulfillment, his stories are boring, historically inaccurate and poorly edited (are they edited?). He doesn't resolve plot points realistically. His scripts are full of misplaced and pedantic monologues. He forces imagery. He gets little out of his actors. His characters are charicatures. His characters have no dimension (it's like a mid-evil morality play). He shoe horns in girls he wants to bang or cronies into roles. He spells out the obvious and ignores the confusing. The whole mess smacks of poor pre-planning. It appears that he only cares about 5 things: making whitey look like an ass, having a white woman give herself over to a black man, espousing some ridiculous barber shop wisdom, showing some tits and inserting his father's second rate instrumentals into the sound track.

The only miracle is how he gets financed. Maybe he needs to go one step further and get Felini oe Bergman-esque on his sophmoric, moronic day dreams. It could be interesting to see an altered reality on screen. A real bizarro world. A modern day Planet of the Apes. His present rewriting of history just does a dis-service.

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