Sunday, August 9, 2009

Start the Presses

AITOOW doesn't see what all the fuss is about concerning our debt to China? It's only 800 billion. That's a stimulus plan. That's one year of health care. It's Obambi's deficit per year for 10 years. It's 8 Fannie and Freddie's. It's 4 AIG's. Just have Bernanke print up the amount owing and cut them a check. I know it will cause inflation and increase our debt and lower our credit rating and deflate our currency. But, isn't that the argument people use to criticize our debt to them already. At least this way we can apply pressure on them politically. And we won't be paying interest on the debt. Plus it will make foreign products more expensive. It will make gas (for the Greenies) more expensive. I mean it's obvious we are not averse to printing money to pay for some of our expenses. Let's go whole hog.

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