Saturday, September 19, 2009

Those Who See Evil, Think Evil

AITOOW finds it funny that the best the insipid minds of Rahm Emmanuel and David Axelrod can come up with is playing the race card? Even Rodney King and Jonnie Cochran are laughing at this. How is it that racism is behind Joe Wilson et al not wanting to pay for health care for illegals? You always tell us that illegals aren't just Mexicans. They come in all shapes and colors. How is it behind not wanting stimulus for welfare. You always tell us there are more whites on welfare than any other group. How is any philosphical disagreement racist when they were espoused aginst Hillary or Kerry or any other socialist in history? I mean come on. This is the best the "un-dumb" can come up with? It's dumber than "solving" health care by forcing people who can't afford or don't want it by forcing them to buy coverage. I long for that "simple-minded" ex-prez.

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