Monday, November 30, 2009


AITOOW drew the same conclusions as a first time Twilight viewer? The vampire has a nose too small for this face and eyebrows too large for a wooly mammoth. He reminds me of Russ (Rachels Ross-like new boyfriend on Friends). Nice to know that every sullen character must act like Luke Perry. The "maiden in peril" has tits as flat as her acting. Can someone teach her how to breathe? She holds her breath until she is about to pass out. How two guys would be chasing after this unremarkable skank is beyond me. It does, however, explain the sad, sweaty, thirty-plus (waists and ages) wide bodies in the audience. If this band camp reject can get some maybe even they have a chance. It is possible to have a gut and six-pack at the same time (see Werewolf boys and spray on abs). The good werewolf is as buff as Marky Mark was. Which means he has a small coating of muscle around a skin and bones frame. Any light breeze could launch him out a window. The future seeing vampiress has a terrible nose job. And finally (not that it came as a surprise) never be nice to a girl because she will not reciprocate.

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