Sunday, November 28, 2010

Two Jews Walk Into an Ad Agency

AITOOW wonders how that relic of a Borscht Belt joke about "why would they make this out to my father" got into that Chase commercial about depositing checks with an I Phone? Is there still someone that old or Jewy left in advertising that it would be brought up at a pitch meeting? This wasn't clever in the Fifties. The joke is supposed to be that Mr. Jewstienberg is the name his father is called. While he still goes by Moishe or Douche. But, now that he is of a certain age he is now a being called Mr too and I guess he doesn't like it. Hilarious right? It works so well in Red States too? Is it impossible for you to leave Manhattan to see what your actual customers look like? They don't look those two Yids and they certainly don't speak like them. I bet Chase does its market research by going to a branch in Midtown and monitoring the action.

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