Monday, February 14, 2011

Lady and the Rant

AITOOW notices that the kids who got their books dumped in high school think that that has somehow ennobled them? Once again we have the nobility of victimization. Just because your fellow misfits have lionized a few of you does not mean that you have attained any degree of superiority of the rest of your contemporaries. That old saw about the homecoming king working in the gas station is just a fairy tale dorks tell themselves to cope. You few Arts celeberties are just the leaders of the wastrels. You're still as alone (percentage wise) as you were in high school.

I loved how full of herself and close minded Lady Gaga was on 60 minutes last night. Big Tip baby, Hosni Mabarek had a fan club too. didn't mean everyone loved him. Made him a bit delusional. This is a girl who couldn't even graduate from a second chance, private school for idiot/drug addled children of the nouveau riche. Yet, now she is an authority on every level. Let's start with your dogma that everyone is special. No, almost every one is ordinary. A few are special. That's why humans made a word for it. The word is - special.

How about her rambling, inconsistent explanation of how she is manipulating fame. She said she does it to protect her privacy, but no, it was to make sure her "art" takes precedence. First off which is it? Madonna said she put her business in the street because then people would get bored with it. You wear meat. Both may be effective. Yet bringing attention to yourself may not be the best course of action in either case. It seems alot of stars have success keeping things private by keeping a low profile. It's convuluted. I know. Your way is much more effective and in no ways seems disingenuous. It's not like you do it because you love the adulation that obviously your family or peers didn't give you. It couldn't be the money. You are an unvarnished artist. But, obviously not a rhetorician.

And then to your assertion that your attention seeking is to focus the public on your art. Do we really have to discuss this? It's 100% the opposite. Your art takes a backseat to the side show that is your life. And the best part is the fact that you couldn't be more condescending and close minded about everything. All these hurt little nerds have this in common. They chastise everyone else for the same behaviors they exhibit in excess (just in the name of their prejudices). Here's some advice. Accept that you do one thing well (copy Madonna) and that you do nothing else well. Your "performance art" is reductive and pedantic. Your dancing is terrible. Your lyricism is evocative of your "performance art". Your philosophy is incoherent, hypocritical and incomplete. You need to let big minds critique the human condition and espouse dogma. You and Alejandro need to stick to ripping off ABBA.

One more request. Please stop wearing underwear. OK we believe you don't have a penis (anymore). Stop trying to prove it (yes you are transparent on this too). I'll even ignore that big pouch of pussy fat that looks like a tucked in wiener. I just can't look at your gellatinous body any longer. It's like Courtney Love all over again. Wait is there anyone you aren't channeling? You are a one woman retro cover band. Was that Mirth's egg you came in on?

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