Monday, February 7, 2011

Pooper Bowl

AITOOW noticed the super fulbs last night? Not the drops, phantom face masks or turnovers. I mean the grand standing idiots, out of sync dancing, technical difficulties, incomplete renovation, and lackluster/offensive commercials. Let's start with the anticipated train wreck of a national anthem. I don't know what's worse - the Cyndi Lauper looking Hispanic whore muffing the lyrics, her penchant for calling attention away from the song or the fact that many idiots didn't realize she messed up the lyrics. Next we have that disjointed half time show. Testing 1 2 3 anybody? Then we had those poor fans that paid for seats that weren't completed. Nice job Jerry Jones' ego. If people watching the game on TV outside an arena counts then then why not count the people in the sports bars, et al? Let's see this year you killed people at your practice facility in the pre-season. Ice fell off the stadium before the game and injured people. And you left paying ticket holders out in the cold. But, hey look we've got a big TV. And let's review a few of the commercials that shareholders had to take in place of dividends. Hmmm. Detroit is the place to be? Funded by bail out money. Detroit you say? Where half the city can't read. Open for business. How about that self serving NFL Old TV montage. Nothing to do with the greed inspired lockout. Right, owners? How about that 1984 clone. Inspired. How about any of the Pepsi Max drivel? I loved that one where the black woman nails a white woman with a can of soda because her lecherous boyfriend can't control his black libido. Typical behavior from the aforementioned. Lash out at an innocent white person because she is being eye raped by your satyr boyfriend. If this was backwards the NAACP would be calling for heads. Or at least pigs feet. You know one of those affirmitve action recipient ad houses came up with that one. And those Bud Light ads are so played out. Ditto for Etrade and Go Daddy. The only good ones were from Groupon.

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