Sunday, April 10, 2011

Anarchy In The USA

AITOOW finds it unbelievable that the Make It Rain Party can only be forced at gun point to relinquish their grimy paws of 1% of the budget? Isn't interest on the debt over 10%? What's even more unbelievable is that they will pay no penalty for their irrational behavior. If they were a person they would be diagnosed with a disorder. Their sanity would be in question. They would be kicked out of their homes. Does anyone remember that they green lighted 6 billion for reparations to Indians and black farmers? Do people remember that they gave 200+ billion to doctors as an aside to the health care bill? Do they remember that the health care legislation cost is spread over 10 years though the actual outlays only accumulate over 5 years? Did they not notice that half their buddies were kicked out over this issue 6 months ago? Are they anarchists? People blame Clinton's second term on the government shut down. We were in a boom. People were profligate. The national debt was in single digits. There was no China. Feeble, Bob Dole was the option. Perot 2 stole votes. Republican's didn't turn out because your grandfather's candidate (Dole) was the option and he looked like he was senile. Many Republican congressmen were dirty. Yoy had no Fox News, etc. Please remember those variables next time you try and learn from history, Boner. The only thing worse than not learning from history is drawing parallels from dissimiliar scenarios.

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